The Men Who Made Us Thin (BBC link)

I don't think anyone outside the UK can follow this link (sorry)

Very interesting documentary by Jacques Peretti about the diet industry. Did anyone watch it?

It addresses the issues of yo-yo dieting, counting calories, how the culture of dieting makes us unhappy, denying yourself works for a while but ultimately you'll just put the weight back on.

The overarching message was that the diet industry is successful precisely because dieting cannot work.

I like that MFP encourages a change in lifestyle and attention to overall fitness and healthier eating. However you still see many here looking for short term solutions or quick fixes. I'm guilty of it too.


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I wanted to see this but forgot. Thanks for the link, I'll catch up.

    The more I learn about proper diet and nutrition the more and more cynical I become about the diet industry, which thrives on giving people false hope and unrealistic expectations.
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    Downloading from BBC I player. Thanks
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    I'll be interested to read your thoughts once you've watched it. It really made me question my attitude and some of my thought processes.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    you still see many here looking for short term solutions or quick fixes.
    This is precisely why the weight loss industry is a booming business. Everybody wants a magical quick fix.

    Losing the weight with a proper diet and exercise is slow and tedious. It works well, but the average person doesn't have the patience for slow weight loss. After all they have a wedding to attend in 6 weeks and they need the weight off right now.
  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    Yes, I did - it was fascinating. The idea that someone just came up with an arbitrary idea of 'overweight' and then said that everybody was, and started selling them products because of it, is, well...frightening.

    Even better, it's a four-part series! So it'll be interesting to see what comes next and what they say about the market (for, surely, that is what it is) today.
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    That fascinated me too: that basically even the health professionals were directed by insurance companies setting terms for ideal weights!

    I'll watch the upcoming episodes for sure.

    Some of the arguments were a little disingenuous I felt. For example, the situation of those test subjects kept at almost starvation level were clearly not going nuts from lack of calories alone; being incarcerated with no natural light might have played a part :wink:
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    I will have a look, thanks for sharing. You are right, many looking for fast solution. They don't get the idea of life change.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    I can go to the site but can't play the video from the US. From what you say, it sounds similar to the book "how to have your cake and your skinny jeans too" by Josie Spinardi, which, despite its silly title, is a really good little book. I wish everyone on MFP would read it. She talks about the physiology and psychology of dieting and how the accepted way of losing weight fails because it works against how our bodies and minds naturally function and ultimately leads to over-eating and a poor relationship to food. She discusses some studies, one in which young men are severely calorie restricted and basically all have a melt down, but I don't think the men are contained onsite so it may be different from the study you mention.

    The second part of the book offers suggestions for losing weight or finding your appropriate weight by learning to tune in to your body and its hunger signals. It has literally changed my life and I can't recommend it enough.

    I'll keep an eye out for this program and when it might be available in the US, thanks for sharing!
  • mymonkeymoos
    I found this incredibly interesting even if I was shouting at the screen in parts about the starvation mode the body goes into at less than 1500 cal per day!

    The over-riding message in this for me is this......

    2 of the very very rich men namely the weight watchers chap and the one after both said that their products did work.......and I agree with they do help at the start......but they then both went on to say very strongly that these digest only work if you relearn the way that you eat once you reach goal or lose weight as if you simply revert will simply put it all back on again as that clearly didn't work the first time or you wouldn't have needed the diet in the first place.....

    So the bits to take from this episode are that starving doesn't work, and some products on the market can help....but nothing will do it for you......

    We still need to be aware of what goes in must come out or be burnt off or it goes to our hips and butts, and that is why we are all doing so well on this because this isn't a diet.......this is a tool to teach us where things are hidden and what to eat only in minuscule portions........we are being educated by using myfitness pal and we adapt the way we live our lives to incorporate our new knowledge into our lifestyle.

    Once we are at or close to our goals, we won't simply "forget" what we have learnt and revert back to how we were, this is a healthier way of eating that will remain for life., and we will understand that yes we can have birthday cake or treats at Christmas or even just a curry with mates, but everything in moderation and we will understand that leading up to and for the couple of days after, we will need to shine our halos and be good so that we can let our hair down when we choose!

    Can't wait for the next episode.......please don't shoot me down in flames, this is only my thoughts and opinions, and I hope that most of you agree!!!
  • cybersheel
    cybersheel Posts: 145 Member
    Saw it and enjoyed the programme.
    Had seen one before about Weight Watchers, just as interesting. (If not a bit scarey)
    It is a fact of life that there is no quick fix.
    Do think a change of diet and lifestyle is the only way to go.
    Maybe going to some weight loss club helps to put you in the right mind set, dunno, never been to one. Just thought they were out to promote and sell their own products. Looks like I could be right, pays to be a cynical Scot!
    Having said that at least Rosemary Connelly puts calories with her recipes and promotes exercise. Doesn't to that points crap. (sorry for language there). Think I may have stepped onto a 'soap box'.
    Look forward to seeing the rest of them.
    Why aren't people comfortable in their own skin? Is it because you have to be a certain size now to fit in?
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member

    I'll keep an eye out for this program and when it might be available in the US, thanks for sharing!

    If you search the programme title on YouTube it's currently available in 15 minute chunks
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    I watched it and thought it was a really interesting programme. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    I found this incredibly interesting even if I was shouting at the screen in parts about the starvation mode the body goes into at less than 1500 cal per day!

    The over-riding message in this for me is this......

    2 of the very very rich men namely the weight watchers chap and the one after both said that their products did work.......and I agree with they do help at the start......but they then both went on to say very strongly that these digest only work if you relearn the way that you eat once you reach goal or lose weight as if you simply revert will simply put it all back on again as that clearly didn't work the first time or you wouldn't have needed the diet in the first place.....

    So the bits to take from this episode are that starving doesn't work, and some products on the market can help....but nothing will do it for you......

    We still need to be aware of what goes in must come out or be burnt off or it goes to our hips and butts, and that is why we are all doing so well on this because this isn't a diet.......this is a tool to teach us where things are hidden and what to eat only in minuscule portions........we are being educated by using myfitness pal and we adapt the way we live our lives to incorporate our new knowledge into our lifestyle.

    Once we are at or close to our goals, we won't simply "forget" what we have learnt and revert back to how we were, this is a healthier way of eating that will remain for life., and we will understand that yes we can have birthday cake or treats at Christmas or even just a curry with mates, but everything in moderation and we will understand that leading up to and for the couple of days after, we will need to shine our halos and be good so that we can let our hair down when we choose!

    Can't wait for the next episode.......please don't shoot me down in flames, this is only my thoughts and opinions, and I hope that most of you agree!!!

    I do agree ... what I really enjoyed about this programme was precisely that I didn't 100% agree with the approach it took, in fact I was instinctively more than a little defensive :wink: and did think hard about what it is I'm trying to do here.

    I am utterly resistant to giving up the good things in my life :glasses: but happy to put in a bit of effort to counter the damage I might do with yummy food and lovely booze and a propensity to sit on my *kitten* for too long :laugh:
  • mymonkeymoos

    The other thing about the restricted 1500 cal men kept in the dark is that they would be deficient in vitamin d from the natural light which would affect their calcium other words at risk of brittle bones and rickets.......and I bet we all thought that died with the ark!

    Everything in moderation........and that includes wine and chocolate, but I much prefer eating my calories rather than drinking them!
  • lyndyloolaa
    lyndyloolaa Posts: 79 Member
    I found this incredibly interesting even if I was shouting at the screen in parts about the starvation mode the body goes into at less than 1500 cal per day!

    The over-riding message in this for me is this......

    2 of the very very rich men namely the weight watchers chap and the one after both said that their products did work.......and I agree with they do help at the start......but they then both went on to say very strongly that these digest only work if you relearn the way that you eat once you reach goal or lose weight as if you simply revert will simply put it all back on again as that clearly didn't work the first time or you wouldn't have needed the diet in the first place.....

    So the bits to take from this episode are that starving doesn't work, and some products on the market can help....but nothing will do it for you......

    We still need to be aware of what goes in must come out or be burnt off or it goes to our hips and butts, and that is why we are all doing so well on this because this isn't a diet.......this is a tool to teach us where things are hidden and what to eat only in minuscule portions........we are being educated by using myfitness pal and we adapt the way we live our lives to incorporate our new knowledge into our lifestyle.

    Once we are at or close to our goals, we won't simply "forget" what we have learnt and revert back to how we were, this is a healthier way of eating that will remain for life., and we will understand that yes we can have birthday cake or treats at Christmas or even just a curry with mates, but everything in moderation and we will understand that leading up to and for the couple of days after, we will need to shine our halos and be good so that we can let our hair down when we choose!

    Can't wait for the next episode.......please don't shoot me down in flames, this is only my thoughts and opinions, and I hope that most of you agree!!!

    Well said!!
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member

    I'll keep an eye out for this program and when it might be available in the US, thanks for sharing!

    If you search the programme title on YouTube it's currently available in 15 minute chunks

    Thank you for mentioning YouTube. I just finished watching the whole set of 4 and it was extremely interesting. I hope that others who watch it take away the idea that healthy eating and exercise for life are the real "miracle" cure to overweight. As a yoyo person, I don't plan to go there again and know I can't fall into the old habits. It's tough, but easier than going through the whole process once again.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Yes, I did - it was fascinating. The idea that someone just came up with an arbitrary idea of 'overweight' and then said that everybody was, and started selling them products because of it, is, well...frightening.

    Even better, it's a four-part series! So it'll be interesting to see what comes next and what they say about the market (for, surely, that is what it is) today.

    ^ I can't watch it from the U.S., but if this is seriously what it is all about then I count myself lucky. I have no time for "documentaries" that claim Western populations are not actually overweight or that are more concerned with drama than with facts. I personally find arguments against things like BMI to rarely be coming from the very fit bodybuilders, who actually have a legitimate gripe, and far more often by the simply overweight who are claiming to be "big boned" or some other such nonsense.

    If there is a different point or message please let us know.
  • Impatient007
    For me the reporter was presenting a one-sided, anti-diet industry perspective that totally ignored personal responsibility as a factor in weight management. I can't stand reporters who are ignorant to their interviewees and thought they were gracious in how they dealt with him.

    As has already been said, the diet products and schemes do what they say: they help us lose weight if we follow the instructions. However, if on achieving our goals we celebrate with chocolate and curry and continue our lives the way we were before we WILL put the weight back on, it is inevitable. Diets do work, it is unhealthy lifestyles that do not.

    The key to all of this is education. People need to accept for themselves that their lifestyles are compromising their health. This only recently happened for me when I started keeping a food diary here, scaring myself stupid at what I was putting in my body. I don't think I can ever go back, but if I do it we be my fault, no-one else's.

    I suppose the key point for me is that we don't need the diet industry, we can do this for ourselves if only we make that choice, we just don't make that choice so fall back on the industry to do it for us.

    Commit to change your life, set some realistic goals, count your calories, eat well, exercise frequently, laugh often, share your experiences with a support network, eat yummies in moderation and see what happens.
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    I agree whole heartedly with 007's summary of the episode to date.
    For those who want an instant help foods like WW's etc are there to do that but they are not the complete answer. Only a change in ones lifestyle, not just for now whilst losing the weight but it's for a life time. That often takes buying and cooking the right things, being observant of what is being eaten. That is one main reason that I do not tend towards these diets or for that matter such things as gastric bands (I know some have to resort to this for medical reasons) Getting into a proper eating regime with a few treats along the way is the best thing to do IMHO. (-:
  • mymonkeymoos
    I totally agree.....there is no magic pill/potion/shake to melt away our pounds....

    Just education, tenacity and the will to succeed. Is not about the diet, more about the way we choose to live our lives after we have gotten to we're we want to be.....
