Can your stomach shrink by reducing portions?



  • SkinnyMozza
    SkinnyMozza Posts: 66 Member
    From WebMD... interesting :)

    2. Myth or Fact: If you cut down on your food intake, you'll eventually shrink your stomach so you won't be as hungry??

    Answer: Myth. Once you are an adult, your stomach pretty much remains the same size -- unless you have surgery to intentionally make it smaller. Eating less won't shrink your stomach, says Moyad, but it can help to reset your "appetite thermostat" so you won't feel as hungry, and it may be easier to stick with your eating plan.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Why aren't you eating bread, meat or cream? You can eat whatever you have calories for.

    Also, do you exercise and are you eating back some of your exercise calories? You are supposed to.
    Hi again, deskgrl! I am eating carbs but not as much as before! Have you never had that crave for one slice more of bread or 2 more spuds? I know what you ll say, craves can be controlled! That's what I'm doing now....but it's bloody hard!
    And I do eat back some of the calories I burn through exercise! O:-)

    Are you eating low fat everything? If you are getting enough healthy fats, that can compensate for that carb craving.
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    I like this idea, and it makes sense.

    "Eating less won't shrink your stomach, says Moyad, but it can help to reset your "appetite thermostat" so you won't feel as hungry, and it may be easier to stick with your eating plan."
  • Mady1911
    Mady1911 Posts: 90 Member
    Deskgrl, you could be right...I do stay away from fat. Or at least, I try...but wouldn't say I ve excluded it completely from my diet...I'll look into the healthy fats category, I do have some missing info on this!