
The scale has gone up about 2.5 pound over the past several days. This despite tracking, staying on plan, and continuing to 'do everything right'. The only change has been the addition of 30 minutes a day of some pretty mild weight training (not even demanding enough to make me sore).

Part of me says just ignore the scale and continue doing what I have been doing (which has resulted in a pretty steady 30 pound loss over the past 3 1/2 months) ... that this is just a momentary blip that will take care of itself. Another part of me says change something, but I am at a loss at just what to do.



  • smolmaus
    smolmaus Posts: 442 Member
    For once the MFP blog has a timely and not completely stupid entry.

    Weight training, especially if it's new to you, will cause water retention as your body gets used to the new stimulus and recovers. Doesn't matter if you're sore or not. So long as you're tracking accurately, and not eating back a hugely inflated number of workout calories or something you know you have nothing to worry about. Trust the process, trust the numbers.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,510 Member
    Agree. Weight gain in the face of increased exercise is a common complaint. It’s water retention. Give it time. Give everything in weight loss lots of time.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,510 Member
    @smolmaus There’s nothing stupid at all about this post and that remark is unkind.

    It’s very hard to figure out who to trust when we’re starting- so much misinformation and clickbait.
  • 100_PROOF_
    100_PROOF_ Posts: 1,168 Member
    It happens. Last week the scale was up 6 lbs for me. Water retention, hormones, not drinking enough water and all can make the scale go up and it's normal. Trust the process. If you know that you are at a deficit then keep on trucking and it'll take care of itself.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,510 Member
    Well, I understand you’ve taken the time to help OP here and others. But “not completely stupid”? I don’t think the post is stupid at all and is a common newbie issue.

    I didn’t read that other thread all that closely. I certainly didn’t watch that video like you did. Sometimes I push back against starvation mode, but mostly I just move on by. I don’t get into “devil” sugar arguments either.

    But suggesting that folks, who don’t have science backgrounds, are stupid because they are lost in the misinformation isn’t going to persuade them.