Any hope?

I haven't been on here for a really long time. I gave up. And looking at things again I want to give up again before I even start again.

All the TDEE calculators give me like somewhere in the 1418-1480 range. And a BMR of around 1287. Which seems very low. If I took 500 calories off a day to lose a pound a week I'm only at 900! Is that correct????

I'm 41, barely 5 foot even, 154 pounds. I'd like to get down to 120.

I've done the 1400 calories a day and the 1200 calories a day. Yes, I measured and weighed, didn't cheat. I cannot lose weight. I have no trouble at all maintaining it. I never gain, but cannot lose. It look me over 3 months just to lose 2 pounds. And at 1400 and worse 1200 calories I was starving!!!!!!! I was so hungry and irritable and made my family hate me. And got to the point where I refused to eat for fear of gaining weight because I was afraid of every calorie I put in my mouth. I was lightheaded all the time. Even at 1200 I was lightheaded.

Exercise is tough, especially now. I've been dealing with a frozen shoulder for over a year now. It's almost better, but still not 100%. And I've just been diagnosed with a bladder prolapse. From what I've read and talked to others about running is very bad for that so is any high intensity exercise as well as lifting weights.

I feel stuck. I feel like there is no hope. How can I lose weight?


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    If you maintain at a certain calorie level, then eating less than that should result in weight loss.

    When you say you "cannot" lose weight, how long of a time frame are you talking about?
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    What does MFP set your calorie intake at to lose 0.5 or 1lb per week? Try that for at least 4 weeks, logging everything you eat, and using a food scale (eye opening if you don't already use one).

    I started off same weight as you (that was in 2012, I was 42 then) although I'm 2" taller, it took me almost a year to lose 25lbs, I chose the slow and steady approach, 0.5lb a week. MFP gave me 1400 cals plus exercise cals to lose that amount - I ate an average of 1600-1700 gross cals, I'm lightly active. Just so you know you can do this and not feel like you are starving. (Been in maintenance ever since - if I can do it, anyone can :smile: )

    All the best.
  • jean133mjg
    jean133mjg Posts: 133 Member
    If you're starving on 1200/1400 calories a day, add more vegetables. They are usually lower in calories and great nutrition in them. Make a broth based soup with protein and veggies. Add a tossed salad with your meals--just measure your dressing. Even if you don't feel it, keep telling yourself that you CAN lose weight. There's no time limit. I wish you all the best. Be encouraged in yourself.
  • melissafeagins
    melissafeagins Posts: 1,421 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    I would suggest starting to log but not cut calories right now. Just log from now through the holidays to see what you normally eat while maintaining. Then after the holidays cut back by 100-200 calories per day. By that point you should have a good record of exactly what you eat to maintain and should be able to pick one or two things to cut back on or cut out (e.g., one slice of bread or one serving of yogurt or one apple, etc.) It is going to be slow, especially if your activity is restricted. If you can get out and take a walk each day that would help and should be low impact.

    I like this advice. However, before you give up on exercise due to bladder prolapse, I suggest seeing a physical therapist who can help you with a plan for exercises you can do. You might be surprised.