Gained 4 pounds overnight on 1200 calories?!



  • sarahlucindac
    sarahlucindac Posts: 235 Member
    My reco, if you must, weigh yourself once a week, same time, same day. But stay away from the daily weigh-ins. Know that your scale isn’t perfect either. You can weight yourself 10 times in a row and I’m pretty sure the weight won’t be the same all 10 times.

    And clothes matter too. Along with water weight, menstrual cycle and a whole host of other variables. As others said, your goal is to lose fat. And just like losing it, you can’t gain 4lbs that fast as well. You will be okay. Continue to work on your caloric deficit, and stay of the scale but once a week. You will feel much better!

    or weigh daily so you can see how weight fluctuations are completely normal and nothing to freak out about

    I stopped my cycle of weekly anguish by weighing daily and using happy scale. Now I know and understand my weight fluctuations. I barely bat an eye when I see my weight bounce around from day to day. In the long run, it’s a downward trend as long as you keep going and doing your best.
  • sarahlucindac
    sarahlucindac Posts: 235 Member
    When it's close to lucifer's waterfall I can put on 9 lbs in a day...female and hormones and water retention, great, just no.

    Keep up what you are doing and don't worry about the scale swings.

    Lucifer’s waterfall 😂