
Hi x

My name is Baylee, and I am ridiculously shy. I am 25 years old, and I need to lose some weight, which makes me incredibly insecure...furthering my shyness haha

Anyway, for fun, I ride horses. I consider myself a quite odd human...but I would love it if someone messaged me :)

I get lonely often.

Bye x


  • CoffeenSquats
    CoffeenSquats Posts: 982 Member
    Hi Baylee and welcome to My Fitness Pal :)
  • Nicksmom106
    Nicksmom106 Posts: 1,624 Member
    Hey Baylee!!!

    I'm Ali, welcome and if you'd like to add me that would be cool!

    2 things I should warn you honey....1. I blah blah blah haha haha and 😏😋😁 a lot and 2. Prepare to be visually hugged...I'm a hugger .....🤷

    If you're ok...come on aboard.....and to the rest of my friends....I already have you...it's too late...no unfriendsies!🙅😁 your stuck....now off to hug each and every one of you...muwhahahahaha😈.....Baylee you in???🤷😘