Incorrect calculations?

So, last few days I have been doing some double-checking on how many calories MFP says I have eaten in relation to the macros and it seems they're off. I understand they don't show decimals or perhaps don't even take them into consideration whith the algorithms, but still I think it could be more precise. :sad:

Unfortunately MFP doesn't show alcohol, but there shouldn't be any in the products I've eaten.
So, with my calculations I assume there's 0kcal from alcohol and I only use the macros MFP knows.

Example 1:
Example 2:

(Sorry, not clickable)

Are more people having problems as these, or is it just me who's doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance! :bigsmile:


  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    A carbohydrate isn't always 4 calories. Though usually the calculation shows MORE than the stated calories.
    Chances are food labels have rounding too, you know.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    A carbohydrate isn't always 4 calories. Though usually the calculation shows MORE than the stated calories.
    Chances are food labels have rounding too, you know.

    Food labels definitely round, although in my experience, they seem to round down (ie: if you were to do the hand calulation you'd find the total calories to be a bigger number). As far sa a carb not always being 4 calories, if this is about net carbs, from what I've researched, there's no conclusive evidence except to say it's not metabolized like a "regular" carb, but that it makes no determination on it's caloric value.

    That said, I just looked through my own food diary and wow. The algorithm that the MFP calculator uses is really imprecise. It almost builds in the 2-300 calorie error that I usually try to give myself.