Eating schedules

mtdb8 Posts: 65 Member
So I've been tracking when I get hungry vs. When I eat.
I eat at 7 so I can go work.
But by 10-1030 im always starving and it doesnt matter what I had for breakfast.
The other hungry time is around 2-3.
If I'm going to eat over my calories that's when I'm going to do it. The only way to fight off this hunger is to overeat way too much for breakfast and lunch.
So what do I do about these hunger cravings, especially since I'm at work and can't cook anything ther or take a lot of time to eat it


  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Over many years I have tried to find out what suits me / my body best. I have tried just about everything from one meal a day to 3 meals and 2 snacks a day. I seem to be happiest with three meals a day - a rather small breakfast, a light lunch and a solid dinner - the only meal of the day when we can sit together as a family. But I have also realized something else: When I feel "hungry" in between meals I am actually "thirsty" - a good cup of tea, coffee etc. usually does the trick.
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,987 Member
    Those are around the times that I get hungry for a snack as well. I find that if I just eat "a little something" it actually becomes worse and I end up overeating. For me, I'm better off grabbing a coffee or tea, and that usually satisfies me. Like the previous poster, I have a small breakfast and lunch so that I can have a large dinner.
  • mtdb8
    mtdb8 Posts: 65 Member
    edited November 2018
    Those are around the times that I get hungry for a snack as well. I find that if I just eat "a little something" it actually becomes worse and I end up overeating. For me, I'm better off grabbing a coffee or tea, and that usually satisfies me. Like the previous poster, I have a small breakfast and lunch so that I can have a large dinner.

    Yes, I do end up overreating and not on healthy stuff. On junk. So you really think it might be a hydration issue?
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,987 Member
    mtdb8 wrote: »
    Those are around the times that I get hungry for a snack as well. I find that if I just eat "a little something" it actually becomes worse and I end up overeating. For me, I'm better off grabbing a coffee or tea, and that usually satisfies me. Like the previous poster, I have a small breakfast and lunch so that I can have a large dinner.

    Yes, I do end up overreating and not on healthy stuff. On junk. So you really think it might be a hydration issue?

    Maybe not so much a hydration issue as just wanting to taste something, to have something in your stomach. Some people say drink water, but that doesn't work for me. I need something with flavor to be satisfied. For me, a hot beverage is better because I sip it, so it takes me longer to drink it.

    Another tactic I use is distraction. This works if I'm not "really" hungry, but more so bored. I'll start a project or task I've been meaning to get to, something that requires a lot of attention, and I forget about wanting to eat. Then all of a sudden, I look up and it's lunchtime!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    What is your calorie goal for the day? Only if you have set an aggressive weight loss goal then you may not be giving yourself enough calories and that will mean you are hungry a lot of the time.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Are you hungry when you wake up? If not, maybe bring breakfast with you to eat at work when you get hungry.

    Are you trying to lose weight aggressively fast? If so, you're hungry because you should be eating more. Have you been losing weight?

    If your calorie goal is appropriate, are you getting enough protein, fat, and fiber? If you're low in any of those, bumping them up a bit can help with appetite. Otherwise, it's possible you aren't really hungry, just in the habit of eating at that time. Try a diet soda, or a coffee or tea. Sometimes chewing gum helps when I'm snacky but not really needing more food.
  • mtdb8
    mtdb8 Posts: 65 Member
    What is your calorie goal for the day? Only if you have set an aggressive weight loss goal then you may not be giving yourself enough calories and that will mean you are hungry a lot of the time.

    It's not aggressive. Only a 1 lb a week. Yet I'm still hungry on it
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    That doesn't sound too aggressive if you have a lot to lose. How many calories a day has MFP given you?

    If it is over 1200 then it might just be a case of finding foods that satiate you. I like protien and fats. But some find Carbs or large amounts of veggies do the trick.

    Or you may find IF is the way to go. I often skip breakfast as food in the morning doesnt really bother me, and save my calories for lunch and dinner.

    It is always a bit hit and miss when you first start out to find the way of eating that suits you. You could for instance try eating a bowl of salad between breakfast and lunch as some people find mentally seeing a large volume of food or chewing a large volume of food helps to reduce the hunger signals.

    Or it may just be a case of waiting it out a bit until your body adjusts and you get used to being a bit hungry between each meal.

  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,009 Member
    mtdb8 wrote: »
    What is your calorie goal for the day? Only if you have set an aggressive weight loss goal then you may not be giving yourself enough calories and that will mean you are hungry a lot of the time.

    It's not aggressive. Only a 1 lb a week. Yet I'm still hungry on it

    That can still be aggressive if you're already a healthy weight or only a little overweight. Do you mind telling us your height and weight?

    Also, if you have understated your activity level or don't eat back any of your exercise calories, you can still be creating an aggressive deficit.

    The best way to determine if your deficit is too large is the evidence of your weight loss. How long have yippy been eating at your current calorie goal, and what has the result been?
  • mtdb8
    mtdb8 Posts: 65 Member
    mtdb8 wrote: »
    What is your calorie goal for the day? Only if you have set an aggressive weight loss goal then you may not be giving yourself enough calories and that will mean you are hungry a lot of the time.

    It's not aggressive. Only a 1 lb a week. Yet I'm still hungry on it

    That can still be aggressive if you're already a healthy weight or only a little overweight. Do you mind telling us your height and weight?

    I need yo loose 100 pounds. Currently I'm at 245 an 5.2
    I'd like to be 150ish (if I can get close, I'm good)
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    I can only really think of two things to suggest.

    Take a look at what you're eating for breakfast and try changing it up. Some people find carbs filling, some protein and others fat. If your current breakfast is, for example very carb heavy try switching things up. For a week try a protein heavy breakfast and see how you go, then try upping the fats and see how this feels. Hopefully you'll find what keeps you fuller for longer and you can go with that.

    The other thing to try is to skip breakfast. Several people I've spoken with say that they don't start getting hunger cravings until after they've started eating. Having breakfast just means they'll be on the prowl for more food by mid-morning whereas they can quite comfortably delay their first meal until lunch or even mid-afternoon. This gives them a shorter eating window and lets them eat bigger meals and still consume fewer calories over the course of the day.

  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    What is your calorie goal for the day?

    Are you logging everything if so perhaps if you could open your diary we might be able to make some helpful suggestions?
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    It suits my natural rhythm to skip breakfast, have a small lunch at 11:30, an apple after work, my main meal at 5:30, then a snack about 8:30. I'm just not hungry in the morning and I rest better with an evening snack.
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    this is why i plan a snack for mid morning and mid afternoon. plan for it and include that in your total calorie count.