Guess who’s back... back again

Hey all. I started this program 5+ years ago and lost 40+lbs and made it to Onederland before I went to college. Then I met my now husband and quit exercising and eating healthy because I was embarrassed. I became 315lbs before I knew what had happened and I’m only 21 years old! I got pregnant, lost 40lbs because of the morning sickness and since giving birth I’m starting to gain again. Time to kick this extra weight before my baby can crawl faster than I can walk. Any advice, tips, motivation, and friends is welcome as I have forgotten everything I’ve ever known about weight loss and this time around I’m balancing being a mom and wife.


  • kaycarre
    kaycarre Posts: 8 Member
    Your story sounds very similar to mine. I lost a bunch of weight on MFP a few years ago but gained it all back, and then some. I got married in 2017 and had a baby in May and cannot believe how fast time has gone. He doesn't stop moving and he isn't even crawling yet so I know it is going to be difficult to keep up with him at this weight once he really starts moving. I don't really have any advice but if you'd like to add me as a friend who can relate please do. Good luck on your weight loss, you did it once you can do it again!