Struggling to loose the weight

I am a mom of 2 and a nurse and I'm tired all the time due to my thyroid being uncontrollable and I hate my body. there are days I think Im gonna love myself today and not care what people say but then I look at myself and I see someone in the mirror I do not recognize. I have never been this big in my life. I just decided Im gonna do this and do it right I dont even care about the holidays coming up I just know I need to do this to save my life and make me happy again. At first I tried to loose weight for my husband and my kids but now I'm doing it for me. Is there anyone else out there that just need to focus on their self's? I am done making excuses and owning up to why I am like this. long story short Im just not happy with the way I look im depressed every time I get dressed or have to buy clothes I just need to Love myself again!!! Im 5'5" and 265lbs and I would like to get down to 165 where I was when I met my husband. I can do this and I will do this and I need friends to help me!


  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Welcome to MFP your gateway to a new lifestyle.

    Seriously though this is a great place to help you lose weight. Lots of help and advice. A community of people who have been where you are and reached their goals, you can too.

    Important thing is you have started. Put your stats in. Stick to your calorie goal. Do some exercise. Trust the process. Be patient.

    It works. Good luck.
  • gamingisfun2
    gamingisfun2 Posts: 2 Member
    Have you seen a doctor to find the right thyroid medication? I wish you luck on losing weight! I would say the best motivation is your own. I would say start with small goals and work your way up. When you look at yourself don’t get depressed get motivated. I have lost 20 pounds this way and am going to use this app myself to watch calories and lose more.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I am a mom of 2 and a nurse and I'm tired all the time due to my thyroid being uncontrollable and I hate my body. there are days I think Im gonna love myself today and not care what people say but then I look at myself and I see someone in the mirror I do not recognize. I have never been this big in my life. I just decided Im gonna do this and do it right I dont even care about the holidays coming up I just know I need to do this to save my life and make me happy again. At first I tried to loose weight for my husband and my kids but now I'm doing it for me. Is there anyone else out there that just need to focus on their self's? I am done making excuses and owning up to why I am like this. long story short Im just not happy with the way I look im depressed every time I get dressed or have to buy clothes I just need to Love myself again!!! Im 5'5" and 265lbs and I would like to get down to 165 where I was when I met my husband. I can do this and I will do this and I need friends to help me!

    as long as your thyroid is not under control its going to be hard to get the weight to come first thing is to get a referrqal to an endocrinologist if you dont have one already and go from there. you will most likely need meds. get that under control first(my daughter has hypothyroid). Then go from there. and stop caring what others think of you and how you look. their opinions dont matter. you do have to focus on yourself and your health first so get that thyroid issue looked at and under control first and foremost. caring what people think will only bring you down and make you feel worse. I used to be the same way. Now I dont care what others think and Im better for it and its a lot less stress on me.

    your health has to come first of course. cant take care of your family if you arent taking care of yourself(I know easier said that done). also get a food scale and weigh everything you are currently eating for a week(if you dont already) to see how much you really are eating. you may be surprised I know I was. and then put your stats into mfp and go from there too. it will probably be a struggle but you can do this. I have health issues that also make it hard to lose weight,its very slow going for me. I havent given up yet. so keep going.