what's worse sugar or fat?

futty Posts: 5
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I have always been a junk food eater. Think i may be addicted to the chemicals in the food or something. Does anyone know if sugar is more calorific than fat. I know that sugar turns into fat when it's in the body. It's just so tempting for me. Ive just eaten a stick of rock now which is pure sugar and i was doing so well today being good. As it gets to late afternoon i always want to snack. And are those 'go ahead bars' really as bad as people say. They must be better than chocolate....surely?!


  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    Carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram and fat has 9 calories per gram, so 5 grams of sugar would 20 calories while 5 grams of fat would be 45 calories. That being said, all fats are not the same. There's healthy fat, like that in olive and canola oil and nuts. You need that. But try never to eat transfats, such as hydrogenated oils. Refined sugar, though is just not good in your everyday diet. I eat it only as a very occasional treat.
  • jamie11k
    jamie11k Posts: 82
    Time to start regulating how much sugar you have in your day! Make a few swaps, try some sugar free versions of things. Take the time to peel and eat an orange and enjoy its sweetness! If you need a chocolate fix, try dark chocolate and a smaller portion- go for the taste, not the hand-to-mouth habit! :)

    Once your body is less reliant on the sugar fix, it will be easier for you to go without- and taste the sweetness in other things that your tastebuds may not have even been able to sense!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    sugar is evil.
  • IKnowICan
    IKnowICan Posts: 86
    Perfect timing....my mother who is a diabetic now sent me this email as she knows I love sugar. It might help answer...

    WHY Sugar Is More Dangerous Than Cholesterol


    good article if you have time to read it. I've been steadily gaining due to giving into my sugar cravings:sad: I seriously need to read & reread this article!
  • futty
    futty Posts: 5
    ahh thanks guys. been really helpfull. yes i was thinking i may become diabetic if i carry on. That's what my mums concern was too. Sugar should be a treat but it's a daily thing for me ain large quantities. I'm going to try and cut it right down. I won't quit trying
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