Huge weight gain with IBS

Hi I am a 23 year old who has recently been diagnosed with IBS (m) and this year I have gained a huge amount of weight. I really struggle to loose weight, so I am looking for any help, tips and inspiration to get me motivated and to stick at it.
I now weigh 15stone (210lb) and I feel horrible, I have no get up and go and I feel so slobbish. I am hoping to lose 3 stone to get me down to 12 stone and hopefully go from a size 14 to a size 10/12 I hope this isn’t too ambitious. I aren’t setting myself a time frame however it would be great to be losing 3lb a week.

I work on my feet in retail all day everyday but I have lost motivation in the gym. I am hoping to start doing 10/15 minutes of home exercise a day to go along side my calorie counting.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Aiming for 2lbs per week would be a good rate of loss
  • stephfreer_1
    stephfreer_1 Posts: 3 Member
    That’s what I am working towards a 2/3 lb loss per week. Fingers crossed it will be manageable x
  • ramurray8
    ramurray8 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm experiencing IBS symptoms the last couple months and I've found that on bad days - I have NO energy. So, I try to limit my crummy feeling days by managing the IBS.

    Then on days when I feel good, I take advantage and try to exercise. It's been really inconsistent, since I'm trying to figure out exactly what is causing the IBS and there are a a lot of days without energy.

    For now, be kind to yourself and exercise on your good days. No need to go crazy with it, let yourself ease in.

  • wilson10102018
    wilson10102018 Posts: 1,306 Member
    I personally think that overall weight loss "goal setting" is counter productive. We are scientific people even though human. Get a process that will work by limiting calories daily to the right amount and do it every day. The results will follow, not the other way around.
  • Shannongr29
    Shannongr29 Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited December 2018
    I have IBS as well and had put on a ton of weight when diagnosed. I found I could only lose about 1/4 to 1/2 pound a week (even with exercise) due to the meds and fatigue. I found just counting steps to be my best method of weight loss “exercise”. I made sure to get 5-6 miles in a day just by doing things like walking in place for 5-10 minutes every hour
  • foxtrot1965
    foxtrot1965 Posts: 133 Member
    I know I am going to get boo'd for this, but I also have some kind of IBS. I'm 32 and have had a colonoscopy which is still fairly young to have one.
    Mostly my stomach KILLS me before I need to dismiss myself. When I was in labor last year, I was like "this feels familiar", that's how much it hurts me.

    I started IF a few weeks ago, and haven't had any pains. I think that eating my calories/meals for the day in close proximity to one another is helping my intestines or digestive tract. I do 16:8 and she days 20:4.

    I highly suggest you try it with your recommend calorie deficit.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I have celiac and IBS and started out at 210 pounds.

    My gastroenterologist had me do a FODMAP protocol to see what triggered my IBS so I could eliminate triggers from my diet.

    It might be a good idea to do that before you attempt weight loss to get your symptoms under control so you have a handle on your energy levels, then you can proceed with going about weight loss by creating a calorie deficit with a list of foods that work for you.
  • workinonit1956
    workinonit1956 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I also suffer with IBS and Celiac and agree with the recommendation of @GottaBurnEmAll

    By using an elimination diet, you should be able to figure out foods that cause your IBS symptoms.
  • firlena227
    firlena227 Posts: 86 Member
    I was diagnosed with IBS about 10 years ago, definitely agree with the above about working out what foods affect you (lentils are my nemesis unfortunately), keeping a food diary is a good idea (oh hello mfp log!) Note down how you were feeling each day to spot any patterns... also if possible try and reduce stresses in your life as I found that was a major factor for me. I lost around 3 stone a couple of years ago but it was slow & steady... dont beat yourself up about it if you're losing slower than you'd like to, you'll get there :)
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I have celiac and IBS and started out at 210 pounds.

    My gastroenterologist had me do a FODMAP protocol to see what triggered my IBS so I could eliminate triggers from my diet.

    It might be a good idea to do that before you attempt weight loss to get your symptoms under control so you have a handle on your energy levels, then you can proceed with going about weight loss by creating a calorie deficit with a list of foods that work for you.

    I have IBS, Crohn's and gastroparesis and totally agree with this. Eliminate triggers as much as possible.
  • SVZee
    SVZee Posts: 76 Member
    I have celiac and IBS and started out at 210 pounds.

    My gastroenterologist had me do a FODMAP protocol to see what triggered my IBS so I could eliminate triggers from my diet.

    It might be a good idea to do that before you attempt weight loss to get your symptoms under control so you have a handle on your energy levels, then you can proceed with going about weight loss by creating a calorie deficit with a list of foods that work for you.
