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A Christmas Story

elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
Do you have a story about something that you did or something that happened around Christmas time?

I'll tell you my story. When my husband and I bought our first house, we decided it would be great to get a Christmas tree that had a root ball, so we could plant it in the yard. So, we went and picked out a tree, and big strong helpful guys - loaded it into the backseat of my Pinto. It looked so easy. Well, we took it home and then tried to get it out of the car. The rootball was frozen and the tree didn't want to come out. We had visions of the tree staying in the car forever and driving around with it in the car. My husband and I finally applied brute strenght and got it out of the car, but that didn't solve the problem of getting it in the house. My husband decided that the best approach would be to put down wood slates and push it on those pieces of wood. Things were looking up, until he passed the first wood slat, which proceeded to snap up and hit me in the head. Hard. I saw stars but after a few minutes I recovered. We did eventually get the tree in the house, and then planted that Blue Spruce in the yard, but we never again decided to get a tree with a root ball again. And after that experience, and one other involving me balancing shower doors on my head, I agreed he could have a truck.