How Often did you Reassess your Goal Weight?

I moved my goal a few months ago from 130 to 125. I am around 126.5 ish now and i am considering trying for 120? Not sure i've ever been 120 to be honest. (I am 5'1 on a tall day if that matters).

How often did YOU reassess your goal?

I know what i need to do is incorporate at least a little weight lifting into my routine. I'm still not running since my legs gave up on me in August so it's nice to still be loosing.


  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    So far on THIS particular journey, once. But I've lost and gained the same 20ish lbs different ways in the last decade. This time my highest weight was 173, and thought 145ish seemed right. But now that I'm around 152ish, I think I'll lower it again.
  • twatson4936
    twatson4936 Posts: 121 Member
    I found I have to redo the goal every time I lose a few pounds. I just dropped from 190 to 188, redid my goal leaving everything the same and it dropped my recommended calories from 1890 to 1870. My original goal was 180 but I am thinking of dropping it to 175. I am 5' 10" 55 years old. I am a runner and I think being a little lighter will take some extra pressure off my legs.
  • aimeetu
    aimeetu Posts: 139 Member
    My lifelong as long as I can remember weight was 150. FINALLY reached that this September. By this time next year I want to be at 145 which I have not weight since birth :-)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I never really had goal was to just not have a gut and love handles...I stopped dieting when that happened.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    4 or 5 times. My first goals were really still overweight; hit the original and decided to go another 10. My 3rd was below a BMI of 25. By 4th was setting the top of my 10 pound range 4 pounds below the 3rd goal and my 5th is to stay in the bottom half of the range. I said 4 or 5 because the 5th was just a decision to stay further away from the top of the range. It is a mental thing; I won't kick myself for getting in the top half of my range like I would for getting above the top. I will just try to trend back into the lower half and get a little more serious about it if progress is too slow.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I only had one goal, and it was still overweight. But a long road from morbidly obese. I'm under that weight now, but still not happy with my gut (cuz I'm overweight still). I'm just going to keep losing without a weight in mind until I'm happier with how I look.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    edited December 2018
    My goal was 120 (I'm 5'3) because that was the weight I thought I'd looked best at about 8-10 years before. When I got to 125 I decided to stop because I was comfortable and fit into many of the clothes I'd worn at my smallest before. I maintained fluctuating between 125 - 130 for a while (that's basically where I still am) and then decided to see how I would feel actually committing to lose down to 115, but doing so slowly and while seriously working on recomping too. I'm less concerned about the number than look and BF%. May sign up for a couple of DEXAs as I have a Groupon.

    I suspect that getting lighter will improve my running speed some too.
  • Cassandraw3
    Cassandraw3 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I set my initial goal based on the body fat percentage I wanted to be strictly based on fat loss. It also put me at the top end of a healthy BMI. Now that I am here, I am still at a slightly larger body fat percentage than I would like, but I am much happier with my body. My current plan is to maintain/recomp and see how that goes for a while. If I am not happy with those results, I will then lower my goal.
  • swirlybee
    swirlybee Posts: 497 Member
    My current goal is 120 and I'm at 123 right now. I'm happy with my body right now and at this point, I'm trying to get to 120 just to say I've accomplished my goal, but I won't be distraught if I don't get there.
  • workinonit1956
    workinonit1956 Posts: 1,043 Member
    A few times. I started at 183 and at that time my goal was 150. Lost 10 and then found MyFitnessPal, got to 150 and along the way I realized counting calories wasn’t so bad ;). I then shot for 140, reached that and kept going. I’m sitting at 130 now, I plan to maintain over the holidays and then lose 5 more. I’m 5’2.5” and think 125 is where I want to be based on the journey so far.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,497 Member
    Hard to remember, but I think a couple of times. My initial goal was a happy weight from earlier in my life, plus a few pounds "because you should be a little heavier when you're older". Got within 5-10 pounds of there, knew it wasn't going to be right, decided to knock off the "plus a few pounds".

    At some point on my way to the adjusted goal, having intentionally slowed my loss rate to an absolute, nearly invisible crawl, I decided on some benchmarks about how I looked/felt that would tell me I was "there". Oversimplifying, part of it was looking for my residual abdominal fat not to be conspiring with gravity to stretch the skin in that area.

    I literally woke up one morning, looked at myself, and decided it was time to work on shifting from "super slow loss" to "finding maintenance calories".
  • Lolinloggen
    Lolinloggen Posts: 466 Member
    As one that is in maintenance: I did a re-assessment multiple times.
    I remember a few years back thinking I'd love to fit into a size 38 but discarded the thought as a dream never to come true
    However I went on this journey. I did not know my weight and did not want to know either The fact that it was too much was enough incentive. In the end I went for small step progress and have plateaued in between mini goals as well Sometimes that was on purpose (holiday) and sometimes because though still logging I was somewhat slack in the weighing of food. But t was a journey and roads are rarely straight.
    • My first goal was to get back not my clothes, so I could avoid having to buy new ones
    • Then to continue and log for 200 days
    • From there into a skirt that I had not worn for years.
    • By that stage I started to weigh myself and found I was still overweight, but getting board a healthy BMI so My goal shifted to getting into a healthy BMI I also started some minor weight training.
    • When I got there I started going to the gym and with the increased weight training and cardio saw another drop and decided to go for a BMI of 22
    • Halfway there I started running too.
    • Now in maintenance or over a year at BMI 22.
    • Still major changes in my body over the last year due to changes in workout and progress in weight training and running.

    As for my dream goal fitting onto size 38. Well I don't That is too big these days :wink:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I set a pretty high goal at first (220 coming from high weight of 307 and having been in the 250-275 zone for about twenty years) so I reassessed every time I hit my 220, 200, 180, 170. Then it got tricky for me as I got into the 160s. I'd set my goal to 150 (at 5'8") but I started having some issues (zero libido and lower energy) and I stopped liking the way I looked in photographs. I decided to stay in the 160s-170s permanently where I feel great.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    All the time. OP, I'm also 5'1". My first goal was 150 because I couldn't imagine getting below that. Blew past that. Decided to try for 140. Again blew past it. Decided to try for 125. Got there and blew past it to 115. Decided to just go for whenever I was happy with what I saw in the mirror.

    Then I started chasing numbers. 110? Who knew. I did smart things. I did stupid things. Regained some weight. Lost some of it.

    I'm currently at 120 after all that mucking about, which took place over the course of the past year and a half or so. I've been exercising the whole time, so I look better now at 120 than I did at 115 when I was there before and not happy with what I saw. Still, I'd like to lose a little more vanity weight, but am currently maintaining until the new year.

    That's if I decide to go for it. I might change my mind again and decide I'm happy here. I do that for long stretches. I'm 56 now and remember being 135 pounds at my eighth grade class weigh in, so being 120 is still a source of amazement to me.

    As long as I maintain my original large chunk of loss, I'm good.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,703 Member
    I started off at 225 and my doctor at the time said he wanted to see me at 160 (I'm 5'2"). I got to 160 pretty easily so decided to keep going. So I'd say "Let's see if I can get to 150...140...etc."

    And I did. My cut off was "Let's see if I can hit 100." I'd never ever seen 100 and had planned on the challenge and then immediately gaining some weight back. I'm blaming the next couple pounds on my ulcerative colitis because I really didn't plan on losing more.

    It felt so weird to have to think about gaining instead of all the years losing!
  • ShayCarver89
    ShayCarver89 Posts: 239 Member
    My original goal loss was 40 pounds. I'm at 30 now. Once I hit that 40, I'm not sure if I'll want to stop so I can keep some chub on me, or if I'll just keep going.
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    thanks guys. Looks like many of us have done the same thing, set goals based on moving into "normal" BMI and-or the skinniest we've ever been :P

    125 has been teasing me this past week :p i expect to coast for the holidays. I should honestly cut back on my walking so rather than add calories to maintain i'll likely cut back on the exercise and see if that helps :(
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    I didn't really have a hard and fast number as a goal weight when I started out - just to get back to a healthy weight for my size and not have a gut and love handles anymore. It was more about what I saw in the mirror than what I saw on the scale.

    Based upon what I've weighed in the past, I had a general idea of somewhere in the 195-215 lb. range (I'm 6'6"), but I wasn't stuck on any particular number within that range. I went all the way down to 195, found that I was a little skinnier than I liked, went back up to 200 and called it good - been in maintenance for a bit over a year and a half. I'm comfortably within what's considered a normal/healthy BMI (23.1), somewhere around 15% bodyfat, and am happy enough with what I see in the mirror. It's easy enough to maintain, allowing room for indulgences and not requiring any extraordinary effort to stay there.

    I definitely didn't want to get back to "skinniest I've ever been" - that was in high school, at 6'7" and 165 lbs., and it wasn't a good look on me at all. I was skinny as a rail. It was technically (barely) within a "normal/healthy" BMI range for me, but it's not a healthy (or aesthetic) weight for me to be at.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    My first goal was 55 kgs which was the top end of my BMI range. Once I reached that I decided on 50 kgs as it is a nice round number and then to 48 Kg which had me smack bang in the middle of my BMI range (I am only 4'11!). Once I hit maintenance I seemed to keep losing and whenever I upped my calories my body decided it needed more calories. I am guessing the extra fuel to my body increased my NEAT and I just became more active without realising it. I am now in the process of trying to get back up to at least 45 kg because this weight has me at a comfortable Australian size 6 wardrobe for most clothes and going up to size 8 will be a lot of extra clothes shopping. Gotta think about all costs involved!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    After I got to my original goal I adjusted down 4 times and then up once in small increments over an extended period of time.