Did it surprise anyone how easy it was to lose weight?



  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    *nodnod* I'm doing TDEE-%, and I was BAFFLED by how quickly and how easily the weight began to just melt off. in February of this year I weighed over 240 pounds. Today I'm just over 217, and that's actually a bit of regain. Got lazy in June & July & didn't log much, so I got back up to about 220 from the low of 210 in early June. But I started logging carefully again, and the weight started coming off again. Not as fast as before, but I'm still figuring out my body's changing needs as my toddler gets older and goes through phases of nursing all night because he's cutting teeth, vs sleeping straight through and skipping two feeds! And while the *weight* isn't melting away like before (though still dropping .2-.5 pounds a week), I checked my measurements today and got a lovely surprise.

    Since the last time I did them (in April, when I was last at 217), I've dropped 2.25" all over, including half an inch each from forearm, ankle, and hips!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Yes, actually, it did. In the past I've lost weight before and it came off with the effort I put in. One diet I used in particular was hard to get started because it required quitting sugar completely and cold turkey.

    This time I went back to the first method and using this site to count my calories since they are an important part of that plan. It was not just surprising to me but also to my walking buddies who I walked separately with. They BOTH were surprised why I was losing so much more weight so much faster than them during the school year since they both had gym memberships and went separately from our walks/hikes and one of them even worked with a trainer. Both women complained here and there about not being able to "quit bread" or "being confused" about how many calories would work "for me".

    I informed the "quit bread" lady ONE TIME simply put "I have not quit bread or carbs this time". I informed the calories confused one of this site and how it would help her make a cal goal that was right for her to which she replied "I already know what cals my body loses on" and then proceeded to find it hard to construct a diet to match that goal or stick to it. Instead of ever reassessing her cal goal she just sought out (and found) new information which she incorporated and which made her diet even more restrictive and even harder to come up with an eating plan that was easy to execute.

    By the end of the school year one had only lost 1/3 of the amount I did, while the other had actually regained some of her loss which she never shared the actual amount but she showed me where she'd regained it and I could see that she was right as her scale had told her.

    I went into the summer with solidly looser clothing, results obvious enough to elicit compliments, a plan that was easy to stick to and can resume in fall and the confidence that this works and can easily be relied upon again once I'm able to workout regularly again. For the time being I focused on maintenance thru the summer and that has been easy as well.
  • judilockwood
    judilockwood Posts: 134 Member
    I agree, I've lost 42lb - exactly 3 stone for my English friends - in 4 months with MFP counting calories and exercising. It makes you think about what you eat and make choices - losing has been so much easier this way. Thank you MFP, nearly ready to progress to Maintainance and determined to keep to my goal weight, feel sooooooo much better x
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I feel the same way. And actually I feel in control of my weight for the first time in my life. Before it always just seemed haphazard-- I'd try to "eat less" but it was kind of vague and didn't work well.
  • AndyRogan
    AndyRogan Posts: 195 Member
    To me it's so frustrating...the process is very slow. I have these few kilos to lose but just because it's not much weight is so so difficult to get rid of it. Every time I step on the scale I found out that I've lost nothing but 100 or 200 grams...even if I've been exercising everyday and counting the calories right etc...I guess I have no choice but stick to the plan and trust this SUPER SLOW PROCESS. I don't wanna make other people mad saying that but it is true that it's easier to lose the weight when you are more overweight. I've been dieting and exercise with my cousin and by the time I lost 2 kg she lost 10 doing my exactly same routine ç__ç I just get depressed since I cannot see the results I want...

    This is me right now.
    I lost 8lb in the first 3 weeks then nothing at all, even though I've stuck to the calorie goal, done a lot more exercise than before, but seeing little to no results
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Losing 20+ pounds 10 years ago was easy. Losing 5LBS now is ridiculously hard. But then...I'm 48, female, and "changing". Glad it's coming off for you. Keep it off, it doesn't get easier! it only gets harder. :smile:
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    I find it "easy" after about 3 days. Unfortunately, I then had a cheat night (date night with my hubs), so that made the next day very NOT EASY.
    Yes, the formula for losing weight IS simple. Despite what anyone says, it's a simple equation- calories in vs calories out. In my case, I have to take into account salt bloat, but eh...my point is, some people apparently "eat under or at 1200, exercise like demons, WHY arent they losing weight?" I wasn't because i was seriously underestimating my food portions.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I agree, I lost my weight very easily in about 4 months. Just eating right and exercising. People are amazed when I tell them that is how I did it. They expect some magic pill or something. It is all about the determination for me.
  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Posts: 98 Member
    Yes! This is my first real try, and i cant believe i didn't do it sooner. My diet is mostly unchanged, but i gave up alcohol and added an exercise routine and that seems to be the formula for me cause im losing about 1.5 pounds a week steadily.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    Yes loosing is easy
    Keeping it off is hard!
  • HideyoshiKinoshita
    HideyoshiKinoshita Posts: 46 Member
    Yeah, really! I seriously hate seeing all these commercials that say stuff like.. "It's just so hard to lose weight!" or "You just can't do it by yourself!" Bs. >.>
  • shanteel612
    shanteel612 Posts: 434 Member
    I love this thread, so positive. I will contribute by stating that losing weight is easy as long as you keep the right mindset. If you let yor guard that is when it becomes difficult, because old habits die hard.
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    yes... its quite simple
  • april27kelli
    april27kelli Posts: 338 Member
    I was just talking about this to one of my friends the other day... I've lost 93 lbs in the last year and everyone is amazed and always mentions my "hard work".... Determination? Sure. Hard work? Not so much. I wish I'd known years ago how simple it truly is.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    People amazed at how much weight I've lost. They know I am an out and out foodie, so say things like, "It must be very hard for you as you love your food." !!!!! Or, "You must have amazing willpower!" ! ! !
    When I tell them I have been eating delicious food every day and have absolutely no willpower, but have never felt deprived, they look bamboozled. With exercise I can eat 1700 cals a day, which is easily enough to be able to eat really well as long as I calorie count. Yes, there are a few foods I have cut back on, but nothing is banned. I am still a foodie, which helps as I can cook beautiful meals for DH and me. I sometimes sit there with a huge pile on my plate and think, THIS IS A DIET?????? !!!
    I am nearing goal now and feel so great. I love my new fitness as well as my shape. I am 64 in October and feel 30 years younger.
    Yes, it's easy to lose 48 lbs. IF YOU STICK TO THE NUMBERS. My weight loss now is slooooow, but I only have 2 more lbs to lose to take me to 50. I am not in a race and my new lifestyle is enjoyable and I feel fantastic. What is hard about that?:flowerforyou:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Same. I keep thinking that if I had realized it was that 'easy' before, I would have done it much earlier. I just always expected losing weight to be an 'all or nothing' process, and it really isn't. Of course some times it's harder to say no to something I really want to eat, but overall... not too bad!

    I'll let you know this Winter though when it's cold out and Holiday food rolls in.
  • curlyloca
    curlyloca Posts: 81 Member
    Counting calories is easy. But not every calorie is built the same.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    Yea, come to think of it from reading your topic question, yea, I am surprised that it's easier than I assumed it would be. Surprised that I've been able to fairly easily stay satisfied and determined these past 6 months. Surprised too that I have the growing trust I can keep this up for life because it's not an awful way to live, it's rather pleasant actually and, yea, "easy" would be a word I'd say "fits".
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    It was very easy in my 20s. Too easy. It was hard to keep the weight on then.

    Now, I think the eating part is pretty easy but the weight comes off much slower at 51.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    With the help of MFP, it sure has seemed easy to me. And being a numbers geek and an ardent logistician, planning the attack was actually fun for me. I'm eating 5-6 meals a day. And in the almost 8 months I've been here, I can honestly say I've been hungry two, maybe 3 times that whole time. So I just moved up one of my meals. Hunger gone. No muss, no fuss.

    I'm a huge believer now in MFP and calorie logging. It makes me be accountable. To me. Having friends here that monitor it as well forces an additional level of accountability.

    Of course it takes discipline and commitment. For some that is easy, for some not.