New to MyfitPal

Hello everyone... May name is Niccole and I am a single mother of 3 boys... I am working on losing weight and getting healthy... One of my down falls, will two of downfalls is motivation and limited will power... My husband is not helping me at all... He puts cookies and candy (dark Chocolate) in my face and it is hard for me to walk away and stay how... How do yall cope with the sugar cravings and what do you do to avoid the temptations?


  • CoffeenSquats
    CoffeenSquats Posts: 982 Member
    Welcome! I'm also a mom boy, but I have four! I'm lucky (or unlucky?) in that I rarely crave sweets. My fluff is all pizza and pasta and wine. lol. So I can't help with that, really. Maybe opt for sweet fruit instead like strawberries?
  • memea83
    memea83 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, I know this might not be for everyone but I have been listening to hypnosis for over 5 weeks and since day one had pretty much no cravings at all when normally I would be going through cupboards and the freezer. Maybe give it a go. It's all in the mind, if you can control your mind you can control your body.
  • Robynbird54
    Robynbird54 Posts: 6 Member
    Nicolle, I to want to encourage you to track, track, track every bite. As you do you can look and say, Thanks Honey...but it’s not worth it and won’t help me be successful.