The scale went up

nlp1019 Posts: 4 Member
edited December 2018 in Motivation and Support
Last week I felt so good! I was down almost 6 pounds. Over the weekend I didn’t eat the way I normally do. I was WAY more lenient than I am on a regular basis and ate a lot of things I don’t normally eat. I weighed myself this morning and according to the scale I’ve gained 5 pounds. Just really mad at myself and wishing I had practiced more self control. I’m back on track today and I hope to continue losing. If anyone can relate let me know 💜


  • nlp1019
    nlp1019 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all so much! It’s so nice to have support.
  • JustMeJustEm06
    JustMeJustEm06 Posts: 136 Member
    Don’t watch scale numbers too closely as they can be really fluctuated and discouraging. Overall, watch inches and your choices. As long as you’re watching portions and eating clean the weight will follow! Might just take your body a second to level out with your healthy habits. :star:
  • I had the same exact experience this week as you! Today is a new day and start of a new week! Let’s get this! Keep tracking and work out Lady!
  • Let me know how the week goes! Do you weigh in every day?
  • nlp1019
    nlp1019 Posts: 4 Member
    @courtneygus42016 I’m glad I’m not alone 🤗 I feel motivated to make positive changes. yes I have been weighing in every day. Do you?
  • HokieBrad
    HokieBrad Posts: 1,670 Member
    Instead of thinking of it as gaining 5lbs think of it as losing 1lb last week!!! That’s a win right there.
    Some weeks will be better than others.
    I weigh myself everyday but Monday is my official weigh day so the only number that matters is what pops up each Monday morning. The rest of the week I use the numbers to gauge swings in weight. What did in do the days before, etc.
  • Runaroundafieldx2
    Runaroundafieldx2 Posts: 233 Member
    Don’t watch scale numbers too closely as they can be really fluctuated and discouraging. Overall, watch inches and your choices. As long as you’re watching portions and eating clean the weight will follow! Might just take your body a second to level out with your healthy habits. :star:

    Your portions can be huge if they fit your calories and eating clean is a joke term. Nobody knows what it means.

    Personally I like to watch the scale daily. It helps me learn my bodies patterns