Weight Flucuation

I'm new to the forum and dieting, I have noticed my weight changing a lot within my first week of dieting. I like to weigh myself everyday as it motivates me to see the progress.

Last week Sunday I was 14st (196lbs) throughout the week it went up to 14.7st (205.8lb) and dropped to 13st (182lbs) this morning.

I drink over 8 glasses of water religiously everyday as I have always done this.

I know my weight should change due to water retention, bowel movements, ect but does anyone else's weight change this much?

Thanks in advance


  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    Oh yes! Some big bounces are perfectly normal. Not sure about a whole stone and more though. Are your scales alsways in the same place, on a flat surface or on carpet?

    Usually if you view it as interesting and won't get freaked out by the numbers you can weigh yourself a few times a day and see the changes food, drink, the loo etc make to your weight.

    Impossible things like weighing more after a pizza than before.... can be scary, but fun!

    I tend to hop on and off all the time, but I only ever log my weight on the same time of the same day every week. That way I have a little bit of consistency. everything else is just for curiosity and non-scientific research :)
  • annenhie
    annenhie Posts: 91 Member
    I tend to weigh myself multiple times throughout the day too. It's weird how much the weight fluctuates, between 1-1.5kg. So yeah I guess it is normal.
  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    Yes: I once lost 6lbs overnight. Unless I got up and did about about 21,000 calories'-worth of exercise in my sleep, weight definitely doesn't follow any rules!!
  • Tigermum9
    Tigermum9 Posts: 546 Member
    getting weighed everyday, due to fluctuations, can set me back..so trying to stop it!
  • mohamed_kamal_91792
    This happen to girls in monthly period
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    I'm new to the forum and dieting, I have noticed my weight changing a lot within my first week of dieting. I like to weigh myself everyday as it motivates me to see the progress.

    Last week Sunday I was 14st (196lbs) throughout the week it went up to 14.7st (205.8lb) and dropped to 13st (182lbs) this morning.

    I drink over 8 glasses of water religiously everyday as I have always done this.

    I know my weight should change due to water retention, bowel movements, ect but does anyone else's weight change this much?

    Thanks in advance

    My weight is up and down like a yoyo, but it doesn't bother me, it's the trend that's important, I use Libra on Android to keep an eye on the trend and as long as it's still headed downward I just keep doing what I am doing and trust the process.

    This is my weight recorded daily in MFP for the first 6 months of my weight loss whilst maintaining a 500 calorie deficit:

  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Necro thread
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    MY weight range is 7 pounds....Not including water/food weight. I weigh around 5 pounds more every night then i do in the morning. Stick me in a buffet or a holiday and i go up a good 10-15 easy. Delicious. I find it fun to monitor my weight i dont panic its happening anyway i find its good to know my body and what effects it how.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    Necro thread

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    it's crazy what our bodies can do. yes, it's normal.
    i weigh every day as well but you should be looking at the overall trend
  • starryk02
    starryk02 Posts: 12 Member
    I was happy to see that its not just me - I have been working very hard this week and yesterday I was up 2.5 pounds - uggg... with this crazy weather (in Ontario) - no breaks - I was so depressed. But this morning I got up and I was down 3 pounds.