negative calories

silly question,i have set up the negative calorie thingy and its linked to my fit bit .I am not seeing any negative calorie adjustment only positive , is this ok , does it mean I am moving enough so not to generate
negative calories or is it wrongly set .


  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    It only shows negative calories when you burn less than your initial goal. If you aren’t burning less it won’t show a negative adjustment
  • Amerek412
    Amerek412 Posts: 74 Member
    If you set your daily activity level to anything higher than sedentary, MFP will give you extra calories in your daily goal because it assumes you are burning more calories throughout the day. However, if your ACTUAL daily activity, as reported by your Fitbit steps, isn't accounting for the activity level you have set, then MFP will subtract the extra calories it gave you (this is what it means by negative calories). So if you aren't getting negative calories then it just means your daily activity is on par with what you set it as.