New Here😊

Hi Everyone,

I'm new here and trying to lose baby weight I've heard it can be harder but I think losin weight is hard in general for everyone.

I had my little girl 10months ago and gained 2stone while pregnant. Before becoming pregnant I had previously lost 4stone while doing slimming world so to only gain 2 is great.
I've been telling myself for the last 10months "ill start today" and now I'm here 2 weeks b4 Christmas actually doing something about it and I figured if I can do it at Christmas when all you want to do is eat crap then I can do it all yr 😏here's hoping anyway!! I've Got a weddin in 3 weeks and would love to lose 5lbs and Im takin my daughter to disneyland in February and would love to be at least a stone down and comfortable.
I chose not to do slimming world again because altho it works food is limited and its just to easy to gain once you start eating normally again so I'm tryin this for the 1st time and my friend who recently became a PT is helping me each week with some light home work outs I can do in between the baby napping and also with a knee injury I'm limited to what I can do so it's not goin to be easy.

I haven't added any personal friends because I find it's alot easier to do this with pple you don't know who are in the same position and understand the struggles each day when you feel at a loss rather then the "ah you will be grand it's only one bad day, it's only one cake you have to live" one cake becomes 2 then the excuse "sure its been a bad day so far I may aswel just stay going and start again 2mro" then 2mro is a week later and you feel rotten!!!!

So here I am ready to start and lookin for friends I don't know to help with support and understanding.

My fitbit is connected and I'm ready to go I'm aiming to hit my 10, 000 steps everyday 🤞🤞🤞

So that's my essay haha 😂
