struggle (and success) of my weight loss

lexxx9890 Posts: 6 Member
edited December 2018 in Motivation and Support
I’ve struggled with my weight since I can remember, as well as battling depression and anxiety. i never have loved myself, and not just because of my weight but because of who i was as a person, who i could be, and everything i wasn’t. my low self esteem & depression were straining my friendships & relationship.

i literally woke up one morning and decided i needed to make changes. i have lost almost 30 pounds in roughly 2 and a half months. and i still fight the negative thoughts.

i have my low days where i feel like there is no point to accomplish my goals. where i say, screw it im going to drink a 6 pack and eat some onion rings and a cheeseburger. but then i remember how gosh darn GOOD i feel when i step on the scale and see the number decrease, or how i actually felt pretty in the dress i’ve walked by in the department store a million times but never had the guts to buy it.

i went to a therapist for awhile, but i realized that wasn’t for me. everybody’s different, but explore all options. i know of ways to help myself (indulging in old hobbies, exercising, staying around friends and family) but i just wasn’t doing it.

i still am about 20 pounds from my overall goal, but i’m the smallest i’ve been since middle school, and also the happiest i have been in years!