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OK, here goes. I'm 33 and have been in the military since I was 18. Prior to that I was overweight and lost a *lot* of weight to get into boot camp. The weight has slowly crept back up over the years, but recently got out of control.

I got into some trouble and ended up really depressed. Because of what I did, I'm facing the possibility of administrative separation in the coming weeks. In the 9 months since this happened, I've put on some serious weight because of drinking and binge eating.

I've come to grips with the mess I've made, and I'm ready to get back on track.

Here's my general plan:
Strength train 3x/wk MWF
Cardio 40 mins 5xwk (swimming, jogging, elliptical)
Calories: under 2000

Starting weight: 260.
Ideal weight: 220.

Please ad me. Seeing other people's progress is really a motivator for me.



  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    Looks like a great plan - thats a huge start!!!
    joining the MFP community you will find will be a huge help to you in your journey. I love it here everyone is so friendly and motivating.... no matter how much people have to lose we are all going thru the same thing...
    Please feel free to add me - I am here every day!

    I hope everything else works out for you ...