Here I go again...HELP!

So tired of not losing weight! I have a trainer, my doctor is involved, I keep food logs and no I don't eat a lot or bad- I am almost mostly a veggie. I don't like chocolate, chips are too salty, meat only on occasion because it makes me gag most times. My calorie intake is about 1400 on average unless I have had a huge workout day that leaves me desperate. I work out an hour a day 5 days a week and its biking, swimming, weights, walking- I mix it up. No one can figure out why I cant break the mark i'm at right now (ive dropped 25 lbs but that was 2 years ago).
I'm 38, 5ft 10 and wearing a size 18 (used to be a 22) but i'm used to being a 14- something made me gain weight fast 5 years ago or so and it won't come off! Thyroid is fine, i'm not even considered pre-diabetic anymore, cholesterol is a little high but not real bad, blood pressures good, hormones only show I have higher than normal male hormones but I've always had that (PCOS).
I'm about to go insane- please, anyone with knowledge or heard of something like this before?


  • ArtemisRuns
    ArtemisRuns Posts: 251 Member
    Do you have a food diary yet? Also, make sure you are measuring/weighing. It's easy to underestimate portions. you will get a lot of advice and suport here.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    You must be fooling yourself.
    When my weight goes up it is because I am eating more calories than I am burning.
    It is as simple as that!
    ( I have been on this program for over 2 years went from 264 to 117. I gained from to many calories and not burning them)
  • phillrn
    phillrn Posts: 338 Member
    Did your Dr consider Metformin therapy for the PCOS? I have several friends that have PCOS- and are being treated with that and it seems to be helping:) good luck to you!
  • Maybe you should do a 3 day juice cleanse to try to jump start, but I also suspect that you may be sneaking in calories causing you to not lose weight. Secret candy bars? If that's not the case, maybe your doctor should check your thyroid.
  • xcatsaxon
    xcatsaxon Posts: 43 Member
    Erm, no- I measure everything. Thanks for being an *kitten* though.
  • xcatsaxon
    xcatsaxon Posts: 43 Member
    Did your Dr consider Metformin therapy for the PCOS? I have several friends that have PCOS- and are being treated with that and it seems to be helping:) good luck to you!

    I'm on Metformin yes and it helped with the first 25lbs- the last 75 only budge maybe 2 lbs a month if i'm lucky :/
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Erm, no- I measure everything. Thanks for being an *kitten* though.

    Usually speaking, whether you measure everything or not you could be doing it wrong.

    Eg, using cups to size out food, rather than weighing in grams.
  • xcatsaxon
    xcatsaxon Posts: 43 Member
    Maybe you should do a 3 day juice cleanse to try to jump start, but I also suspect that you may be sneaking in calories causing you to not lose weight. Secret candy bars? If that's not the case, maybe your doctor should check your thyroid.

    As my post states my thyroid is fine, and prior to using this site I used the YMCA fitness tracker which is similar but the doc told me that here the calorie and foods are much more close to real numbers that's why I am here. I have a personal trainer, I have a dietician and I measure my's a mystery!
  • tcmom72
    tcmom72 Posts: 32
    Don't know if you are willing to try another diet...Medifast worked great for me to give me a jump start. Not cheap but found other foods just like their products. PCOS is also something I battle and people constantly tell me that its my thyroid ( lots of family history of hypothyroidism in my family). Just got blood checked last week and I am in normal range. Don't have many suggestions for you except that I can relate on the weight not budging.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    It is simple for you..

    Calories in vs Calories out.

    You are doing something wrong, somewhere - it is NOT a mystery, you are no different than the rest of us without medical conditions.
  • xcatsaxon
    xcatsaxon Posts: 43 Member
    Don't know if you are willing to try another diet...Medifast worked great for me to give me a jump start. Not cheap but found other foods just like their products. PCOS is also something I battle and people constantly tell me that its my thyroid ( lots of family history of hypothyroidism in my family). Just got blood checked last week and I am in normal range. Don't have many suggestions for you except that I can relate on the weight not budging.

    I have looked into it, I may try it if nothing really budges on this new formula for eating my dietician has prescribed. She told me to give it 6 weeks...we shall see. Thanks!
  • I, personally, do not have PCOS. I have a few friends with it, and because of them (and from reading) it seems a low carb diet can be beneficial. Not sure if you just try to stay in your calorie range or what, but I've seen a couple of ladies have great success doing it that way.
  • tcmom72
    tcmom72 Posts: 32
    Well, good for you for sticking with your weight loss journey. It must get frustrating for you! Having a dietician is a great idea. Some of the comments on here are a little harsh but you need to do what you think is best. Really liked the Medifast food surprisingly because I am picky. I have had issues with my weight loss slowing down when I exercised alot and didnt eat enough calories. i was told that I went into starvation mode. Sometimes I have to eat more food (healthy of course) and that seemed to jump start the weightloss again. I am sure that is something you thought of though. Good luck to you.
  • ashxo12
    ashxo12 Posts: 67 Member
    An allergy of some sort? Maybe gluten intolerant?
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    I have hypothyroidism and I've found that different doctors have different opinions of where your thyroid function levels should be. My family doctor tested me three years ago (Every woman in my family has Hypo) and told me it was fine. A year ago a went to another doctor due to issues and he was disturbed I wasn't on medicine (he had my earlier test results). I was working out with a trainer, eating great and not losing. Within the first month of my being on meds I lost 6 pounds (and by that time I'd lost all motivation to do anything). My sister went to two doctors and was told that everything was fine. She switched doctors and has sense been diagnosed with Hashimoto disease. My point here is that I'm not saying it is your thyroid, but if you're having extreme issues it never hurts to get a second opinion. Good luck to you!
  • JodesterK79
    JodesterK79 Posts: 3 Member
    I have dealt with the same thing so I get that people telling you to double check your portions and food diary is frustrating. I also have PCOS and after going doctor to doctor having my tests done over and over with nothing wrong, I finally found a naturopath that listened to what I was saying and actually believed me!! I have always gained weight easily and knew how to keep it off or work it off..after using birth control 5 yrs ago it has been a nightmare. It sucks to eat better than everyone around you, work your butt off and nothing change. I have always had to work hard to lose weight, but it always came off. Well, not in the past 5 yrs. I have tried Metformin and other things and initially they would help with weightloss, but when I quit taking whatever it was the doctors gave me all the weight came back. I don't want to be on some man made drug forever. It is like poison.

    Anyways, the naturopath I'm seeing did all the tests I wanted. No one else took me seriously. Besides PCOS I had low magnesium (doctors dont usually test for), low Vitamin D and certain hormones were off. I'm sure you know that dairy and wheat/gluten are not good for a PCOS diet, but even the whole grain or gluten free options are hard for me to eat and lose weight.
    I have also been taking a natural supplement called "Inositol" that does the same thing as metformin and also helps balance your hormones, but isn't bad for you long term. Metformin will only cause more problems down the road. Anyways, just wanted to share that you are not alone. I used to be one of those people that didnt understand and assumed people were snacking or lying or whatever. Now that I have gone through it for 5 yrs...I see things differently. It took me a month to lose the 5 lbs that I recently lost, but I did it. You can do this!!
    Oh and my thyroid is completely normal, always has been. I have had all the special Thyroid tests done that most doctors don't do and even if different doctors have diff is great on every scale. Ok, enough for now, but feel free to add me and we can help and learn from eachother! I have been just as discouraged up until recently. Don't give up! :)
  • ShrinkingKitt
    ShrinkingKitt Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! I would suggest that you either try a "clean" diet for a couple weeks, or even just go gluten-free. The reason I say this is that many times doctors don't check to see if you have a gluten-intolerance. It causes some people to gain weight, and it causes others to lose weight. Basically it can really mess you up, and cause other health problems. It's worth a shot! I have been gluten-free for 5 years, as I have Celiac disease...It helped me regulate my weight better. Just note, if you try gluten-free, don't go get all the gluten-free breads or pizzas, or pasta-substitutes...Those contain MORE calories than their regular counterparts. It's smarter just to stick with unprocessed foods, veggies, meat, fruits, etc. GOOD LUCK! Keep us updated!