its been over 5 weeks and i am NOT the weight my fitness pal

flameball182 Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
it said that in 5 weeks i would be near my target weight and it has been 5 weeks and i am eating under the calorie amount given and am no where near the weight it told me i would be.
why is this?


  • tntrav44
    tntrav44 Posts: 100 Member
    Try eating your allotted calorie amount instead of going under. I didn't lose weight at first, and now anytime I plateau, I eat my exercise calories back, and that seems to get me through it. You might be eating too little. You also might be gaining muscle.
  • Once your body gets used to a reduced calory incate your metabolism slows down to accommodate the reducting in food going into the body, so you don't burn off as much day to day. You need to exercise regularly 3-5 times per week for at least half an hour each time doing cardio type exercises. That will kick start your metabolism again and stop your body from storing calories as fat.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    it said that in 5 weeks i would be near my target weight and it has been 5 weeks and i am eating under the calorie amount given and am no where near the weight it told me i would be.
    why is this?
    Because you're human? Undereating will serve no good purpose in regards to losing weight, not sure 'how much' you're undereating but too much and you will not lose or you will at times gain. Your body needs enough fuel.

    Secondly this is merely a calculation of a computer program, not a guaranteed # that comes up. Sometimes ppl hit it spot on but most of us are over it or under that 'coveted' (by some) 'magic number' that comes up when you click your days end.

    I would highly suggest you continue eating what MFP has alloted you and some workout cals to make sure you get in proper nutrition and for now, don't worry so much about a 'magic number' that doesn't really mean much. It simply makes us feel good that in 5 weeks we might reach there if we do exactly the same thing as we did today but then again we might not.

    Remember this is about changing our lifestyle into a healthy one, not so much about #'s.
  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310
    It's just an estimate. I pay that no mind:grumble: there are a lot of factors thay play into you actually meeting the goal it states! Keep doing what you're doing keep working out and make sure to eat the calorie goal MFP has set for you and you will be fine!

    Sorry about the disappointment!:flowerforyou:
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    If you're not eating enough calories your body will storage as much fat as possible and keep you from losing weight.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    It's just a calculator. It goes by the calorie deficit but there are more things that can affect your weight loss. Going over on sodium, not drinking enough water, eating too many carbs, or sugar or fat grams... eating UNDER your goal. Yes, it's a goal, but you should always strive to get the CLOSEST you can... and with healthy foods. Fruits, veggies, lean protein, healthy fats...not processed foods and fast food just because they're in your calories. (Not saying you do that, just giving an example of a common mistake people make starting out)
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    What MFP says is not set in stone. Just because it says in 5 weeks you will weigh this doesn't mean it's going to happen that way for everyone. Every body is different and loses/gains at a different rate, it is a basic average on here.
    For you personally I can't comment on if you should be doing anything different because I don't know your stats and can't see your diary. But, if you are constantly eating less than what MFP suggests it may be that you are not eating enough.
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    The site is what's called a "dumb" calculator. It is not individualized to you. It just takes calories in, calories out and present weight and spits out a number. It doesn't take your personal metabolism into account. You will almost certainly lose faster or slower than the average. Most people do.

    You may also want to think about a couple things that may be sabatoging you.
    -Are you being honest about your caloric intake? I had to do a reality check on portion sizes when I first started.
    -On the other hand, are you eating enough? You shoud be eating back the calories you burn in exercise to keep your metabolism up.
  • snoopypet
    snoopypet Posts: 6
    You should eat AT LEAST 1200 cal/day. Believe the comment about starvation mode that comes up if you go under that. Think of what you would do if you couldn't leave the house for 5 weeks. You probably would ration what food you had in the house to last that long. If you go under 1200 cal/ day, your body will do just that because it doesn't know when you will give it more food again. So you won't lose the fat because your body will save it for later. Try eating at least your minimum. The measurements for calorie intake as well as calories burned are really estimates. There's no way to be exact about it. Many daily activities we don't count also. Hopefully you'll be developing good eating/exercise habits from this. And don't worry as much about the numbers as about how you feel. Hang in there!
  • Pattitude
    Pattitude Posts: 18 Member
    I agree with all the other advice.

    When people on this site tell you to eat back your exercise calories and to try not to stay under your alloted calories for the day, it's because they know what they are talking about. I ignored all of the sound advice for my first few weeks on here and was shocked to not see the scale move after the initial loss of 9 pounds. At first I was scared to eat back my exercise calories for fear that I had overestimated my exercise and underestimated my food calories... I just really didn't want to gain weight. Once I started following the advice, 3 more pounds have dropped off just as MFP said it would.

    If you would like more advice, there are pelnty of threads in this forum about starvation mode and eating back exercise calories. :) I hope you find them as helpful as I did!
  • with your diary private...who really knows?
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    it said that in 5 weeks i would be near my target weight and it has been 5 weeks and i am eating under the calorie amount given and am no where near the weight it told me i would be.
    why is this?

    did you eat like that day EVERY day for the last five weeks? the calculation is based off of that day's food intake. take a look at the reports tab and see what your average food consumption is. you might surprise yourself with a day or two of overeating each week that is sabotaging your weight loss.
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    My weekly loss really plummented when my AC when out in my truck and it was to hot to eat. I was never hungry from the heat, and my calorie intake was 800-1000 a day. They got it fixed 2 weeks ago and I started eating more toward the 1200 calories. The scale is moving again, in the right direction. Who'd a thought not eating enough would make you not loose!
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Mine has said the same thing for months.
    I've lost 7 lbs. It is constantly telling me that in 5 weeks I'll be 6 lbs. lighter.
    The rate I'm at I lose about a half a pound a week if I'm very strict and never cheat.
    The calculator is not individualized, nor is it usually realistic.
    Ignore it.
  • JeremyInvincible
    JeremyInvincible Posts: 264 Member
    Just so you know, I have had a lot of success with the calculator. I've found the total calories to be realistic and accurate, at least for me. The trick is to do as many others here have said. Be honest with it as to portion size, log EVERYTHING, and eat back exercise calories.

    The second part to this is just as important...

    Don't get in a hurry. Baby steps here...

    I know it's hard to do, I really do. I started getting serious about losing again back in march. I input 2 pounds a week, and for the first month *maybe* lost a couple pounds. My body just didn't seem ready to lose, but to be honest, I'm sure I was taking a few liberties with my diet as I transitioned my mental process into weight loss mode.

    As the months have progressed I have lost more and more. I've gotten used to logging, gauging portion sizes, and just resigning myself to losing. I run 4 times a week if possible, and eat more on those days to make up the deficit. I weigh myself once or twice a week at most so I don't agonize over water weight or scale watch. I've finally wrapped my head around the fact that weight loss is a time consuming process. I didn't put it on overnight, and I won't lose it that way. As long as I am losing a discernable amount every week I am progressing. Right now I'm at 25 pounds lost, I'm in a happy place with what I eat everyday and I don't really feel the need to binge. I am resolved to lost my last 5 pounds, and am seriously considering 5-10 more.

    Ultimately, it's not about concrete numbers, your body doesn't work that way, and you aren't going to magically hit your goal without work, persistence and a bit of angst. I can assure you though, that once you 'let go' and stop being so concerned with it, you will see results. Just do as the fine folks here at MFP tell you, we've been at this a while and we all learned from those who came before us.

    Remember, weightloss isn't something you should do then just stop when you hit the goal. It should become a life change, one where eating healthy, practicing restraint and getting exercise becomes the norm. I promise you, I know how frustrating it can be not to see the results you want, but once you get your mental state right, you'll be surprised as how quickly those half pound and 1 pound weeks will add up.
  • yes its hard to answer if diary is not open because we dont really know what you are eating etc.....

    but I will know that the est changes daily because you eat differently daily...i dont focus on what they say i should be, i just focus on getting healthier and in being honest and holding myself accountable, eventually the weight will come off....i was worried about my loss in the beginning but daily i am learning that i'm just needing to become more healthier and in doing so, it'll have positive results.
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