Tracking evening snacks... Honestly



  • bobsburgersfan
    bobsburgersfan Posts: 6,442 Member
    "Just do it" is bad advice in that it doesn't offer any practical tips to help you, but it's my advice nonetheless. Just start telling yourself you HAVE to track it, and make yourself do it until it becomes habit. Sometimes it sucks to see the reality, but I think it's always better to be honest with yourself than to pretend something didn't happen, if it did happen. (Also, see lots of practical advice above. :smile:)

    I tend to be an after-the-fact tracker, and even that has helped me rein in a lot of extra snacking. But this thread has really gotten me thinking about pre-tracking. "Eat what you log, not log what you eat" is something I really need to work on.
  • allieeveryday
    allieeveryday Posts: 85 Member
    I'm also a snacker, and I sometimes snack, decide that I should just write those calories off and not log them ... then the next morning I go in to the previous day's diaries and log it all anyway. Data collection. Sometimes it's not as bad as I thought it was.

    Today is the first day I pre-tracked all my meals and planned work-snacks, and I'm excited for the after-dinner snacks because I have room for them in my budget!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited December 2018
    Panini911 wrote: »
    are you possibly under eating the rest of the day leading to the binging?

    I eat before bed. Whatever calories I have left in teh day (a minimum of 100) before bed. I keep appropriate snack food i enjoy but not foods i may have a harder time using self control on (like say a big bag of chips)

    I was wondering about under eating the rest of the day as well.

    Also look into tweaking your dinner to see if you can make it more filling. For example, I find potatoes and protein very filling, and bread not filling at all. If I don't get enough protein, I get the munchies, and can eat and eat and eat and not feel satisfied until I feel sick.

    I do get hungry again a few hours after a good dinner, so do budget for a bed time snack.