1,000 calories in 1 hour? Almost



  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    robertw486 wrote: »

    Though I don't know anything about those machines, no doubt a serious effort!

    I'm spoiled. I have a machine called a "strider" which has all my limbs moving together. For an hour of not particularly difficult exertion I can burn 1000 calories. If I put some vigor into it, I can get up to 1200.

    If you can burn 1000 an hour without difficult exertion, you need to get into professional sports. For most mortals it's going to be difficult at the least, and closer to tortuous for many.

    sijomial wrote: »
    Almost 1000 cals in an hour and a bit of cycling....


    Except the machine is quite frankly telling lies, the true net energy expended is more like 780 net cals.
    (It measures power accurately but uses a ridiculous algorithm to guessimate gross calories or maybe the intention is just to stroke the ego of users).

    I just don't get this with machines. If they can accurately measure power, how do they come up with such calorie burn info? What machine were you using that you can trust the wattage that give you such a gross number?
    It's a Wattbike Pro that very accurately measures power output (it's a high end trainer used by many elite sportsmen - and also by ordinary riders like me!) but their algorithm is plain silly. I queried it with their Helpdesk asking why they didn't use the standard formula for converting power to calories and they couldn't explain why.

    I get round it by linking my Garmin Edge which gives me the net calories or just work it out manually with the common average watts per hour x 3.6 formula.

    PS - I also doubt the claims of an easy 1000/cals per hour too, I've never met someone who averages 278w an hour without being an exceptional athlete pushing really hard.
    It's a common misconception that finding the right calorie balance means all the various estimates involved are accurate (BMI, activity multiplier, exercise and food logging) when the likelihood is that the under and over estimates are fortunately cancelling each other out.

    I thought it was you that trained on the Wattbike. I would think that the higher end machines would just display watts or net calories, but it seems to not ever happen. I have a similar frustration with the elliptical we own, and similar to you I just find a workaround method to try to figure out my true calorie burn. At least with the Wattbike it's giving you accurate wattage to work with.

    Also agreed on the methods of tracking ensuring everything is accurate. As often as not, it probably just ends up being the inaccuracies evening out and somewhat cancelling each other.