Someone said I am "pushing myself" and I find that sad

This is really just a rant, but something I wanted to discuss too.

I was talking to a friend about a health issue I've been experiencing (vertigo, I made a thread on it...that's not what this is about though) and he said "may be you're pushing yourself too hard"

Holy *kitten* did I get fired up. Offended almost, and not a lot offends me. Without even really thinking I shot back with "Pushing myself?! I go to school full time and lift weights an hour a day. I do active stuff like snowboard and dirt bike and ride bikes occasionally. If you think that's pushing the human body that's pathetic. Very few stuff I did in the Army was even truly pushing myself to the brink. Maybe Ranger selection. Worlds strongest man competitors, the are pushing themselves. Olympic swimmers. Whatever guys are in the suck down in mountain phase of ranger school in GA. The dude who pulled a mini Cooper a full marathon. Those guys are pushing it. Damn. You really think I'm pushing myself? You have no IDEA of what the human body is capable of."

I was even taken aback by my response...but it really did irritate me that having a weight lifting routine and generally just being active was seen as "pushing it". Have we really fallen so out of fitness as a society? Do people really forget that humans evolved to walk, run, hunt, carry loads on our backs, build our own shelters etc?

I know I'm kind of being dramatic but for some reason this REALLY bothered me. I know it was well meaning, but part of me took it as a personal attack against what I'm truly physically capable of and also just what humans in general are capable of.


  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    I think that you really need to realize that not everyone is built the same. Pushing hard, physically, for person A is not for person B. Moreover, person A may have been able to push X amount of hard at one point in their life and now and now may only be able to push Y amount of hard for a wide variety of reasons including health, age, fitness, etc.

    In short, I really don't think that your friend wasn't in the wrong for the comment they made.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,287 Member
    I hope you've googled the easy exercise you can do to get rid of vertigo. My husband was having it... and the exercise cured it. I think we found the exercise demonstrated on youtube.

    It is hard to have a health issue when you put so much into being fit and active.