Strength training question

Hi all,

I am following the following program recommended to me by helloitsdan. I have weights at the gym at my work so I can only work out during the day mon-friday. I am going to follow this program Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and stick to my c25k program on Tues, Thurs and Saturday or Sunday

By following that, what do I do if I can't make it a day, say this Wednesday for example I have a hair appt after work so I can't work out then, and I don't really want to work out before work as I get a really red face like a tomato that takes a long time to return to normal. Not cool for a receptionist.

I know you shouldn't work out two days in a row, so I am stuck as to what I can do to maintain my program, while not feeling so restricted.




  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    Really if you have to miss a day, then you probably just skip it and wait until Friday. Personally I would try to schedule around those workouts seeing as you can run just about anywhere, but need the gym for your strength training routine.
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    Missing one workout wont really stall your progress but its best not to make it a regular thing.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    If it's once in a while, skip it. Or you can move wednesday's workout to friday, friday to monday, etc. Or, you can adjust your workout routine that week, and lift different body parts 2 days in a row, thurs and friday. For example, upper body thursday, legs friday.