New 30 days to healthy living and a smaller waist challenge- and a stronger more confident me!

Thetinab Posts: 1 Member
Hi All,
I have a 30 days to healthy living challenge kicking off on the 7th of Jan but we start on the 1st with workouts and everyone getting used to the program. It's a no cost program - and theres no catch to it. Its a private and closed group on FB- currently for women. Men, don't worry, if you would like me to create a group for you, just message me and I'll create one depending on numbers. At the moment, we are at 81 women in the group doing the challenge. There's no catch. I'm doing it because I'm passionate about helping people achieve their goals as I have been obese, anorexic and have overcome bulimia and binge eating. I purely just want to help and see people happy.
The workouts are created for people who don't have the time or ability to get to the gym so they can be done at home.
I talk motivation, mindset, foods, what to eat, and if you want to know about supplements, I can make recommendations.
The link to the group here