Post Surgery- Water Retention?


I had a septoplasty to fix my sinuses last week and I'm still retaining a lot of water throughout my body (or I assume it's water?) Does anyone know if that is primarily from the medications or how I should be caring for my body to help with it? In general I feel very out of whack with my appetite (couldn't eat for almost 4 days because of facial swelling and pain, now feel hungry out of control) and energy levels. Is there any insight people have or tips for self care at home to rebound from surgery and get back on track for my fitness goals? Help :/

Thank you!


  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Have you been on pain meds? I've always found constipation to be an unwelcome side effect of surgery and pain management drugs. Especially when combined with lack of exercise post surgery. Make sure you're drinking sufficient water.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    During any surgery you get IV fluids that are usually full of sodium - you will retain lots of water with that. Also your body just underwent a big shock to it's system. Give it time. Drink plenty of fluids. Each healthy foods. This will self correct if you do these things.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,030 Member
    I say be gentle with yourself. Surgery is stressful for body and mind.

    Eat what you can, even if it's root beer floats or mashed potatoes and butter. Just try to eat at maintenance to give your body the most nutrition and energy you can for better and faster healing.

  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Drink a lot. As I understand it, your body retains fluid to help it repair itself. (Same mechanism is in play with strength training, btw; you work your muscles, you make microscopic tears; your body retains water to repair them). When you take in more fluids, your body goes, "Hey wait. We've got plenty of liquid coming in. No need to store all this!" and releases a lot of what it's been retaining.

    On a personal note, I had minor bladder surgery about eight months ago. I think I shed 7lbs of water weight in less than a week afterwards.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,452 Member
    If you're low on energy then it's likely from the anesthetics. Did you have gas as well? If so try to eat food with lots of Vitamin B12 in it as gas inactivates all stored active B12 in the body, which is another reason to feel not well.