Where is the iron comming from in this food?

Last time I checked my blood the doctor said it is all fine but a little bit low on iron. According to my web searches the food with most iron is clams. So, I was browsing the canned clams section in my local Chinese store, when I saw a can with a brand name MoonDish that was not clams but with iron listed as 90% of daily value which is more than the iron in the cans with clams from the same serving amount.
This is the can in question:
and I found it in the myfitnesspal database:

This is the ingredients:
Coconut Cream, Taro Leaves and Stalks, Salted Shrimp Fry, Ginger, Garlic, Salt and Red Chilly Pepper
No preservatives added

When I check individually each ingredient the iron doesn't add up anywhere close to %90
100 grams Coconut cream has 12% iron
100 grams Taro leaves raw 12% iron, seamed 6% iron
100 grams Fried Shrimp 10%
100 grams Ginger 3%
100 grams Garlic 9%
100 grams Chilly Pepper 5%

The nutrition facts of the MoonDish is for 77g serving. So, all of the above iron will be much less than that.
My question is, is this possible that a certain combination of foods and the way they are prepared can somehow create more iron than originally present in each ingredient?

I will greatly appreciate your input