cut-or-bulk article


  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    edited December 2018
    Curious why someone gave the article a “woo” and didn’t bother to back it up. The article answers a lot of the questions asked in this muscle gain section. So, why the woo?

    Here is the summary from the article:

    Don’t try to get super lean before doing a gaining phase, you’ll be so hungry you’ll gain too quickly, and after dieting to a very lean level you’re actually more primed for fat storage. Don’t diet to the point where you are really feeling food deprived and hungry (this often around 8–10% or lower for men and 16–18% or lower for women, but also depends on how you dieted).

    If you’re a novice trainee with obesity or who is starting with a relatively high body-fat level, train hard for 6 months, establish a basic structure with your eating and then reassess. You might find you substantially improved your body composition.

    If you’re a novice trainee who is both higher in body fat than they’d like (but not overweight) and also doesn’t have much muscle mass yet, just eat around maintenance (the point where you are not gaining or losing weight) and train hard for 6 months, then reassess.

    For the non-novice male over 15% body fat or female over 23%, you can go into a surplus for a gaining phase and you will put on muscle, but it will come with some body fat as well. If you don’t want to push your body fat too far over these levels, you should consider a fat loss phase first.

    For the non-novice male up to 15% body fat or female up to 23%, it’s fine to start a gaining phase. For competitors, you’ll probably be able to push it until you gain 3–5% more body-fat percentage points before you should consider a mini cut. This will ensure your next contest prep diet isn’t more difficult. For non-competitors, in my experience, this point is where many (but not all people) want to trim up. However, you should know it’s not unhealthy at all to be in the high-teens of body fat for a male, or high-twenties for a female.

    This article was taken from the calorie intake setting chapter of the upcoming second edition of our Muscle and Strength Nutrition Pyramid book. We’ve modified it in a few small places for regular readers of this site.

    If you’d like to be notified of the release of the books in the new year pop your name and email in the box below.

    Thank you for reading. Questions welcomed in the comments.

    – Eric, Andy, and Andrea.”
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,219 Member
    It’s not a bad article - a little basic but that was the point I think. I like Eric Helms and generally like what he has to say. Person who hit woo probably didn’t even read the link.
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