What type of diet are most people doing? Keto? WW? Which is the healthiest?



  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    No, it does not sound right. 1500 calories should be the minimum for a male. How much weight do you need to lose?
  • nygr8guy
    nygr8guy Posts: 77 Member
    No, it does not sound right. 1500 calories should be the minimum for a male. How much weight do you need to lose?
    I am 177 and need to be 160 at the highest.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    What I always suggest to new people is to log what you currently eat and the exercise you get, for one week, without attempting to make any changes. Just get a look at where you are right now. Then you can look at your diet and habits and see where it would be easiest and most effective to make changes. For example, if you drink two Cokes per day, you could drink only one. If you always stop for a large fries on your way home from a certain class, you could drive home a different way. If you never eat any fruit, you could add some, and reduce the other things you eat. If you always overeat when you stay up too late / go out to lunch with a certain friend / are stressed, you could take action to make different choices.

    What works for each individual will be individual.
  • nygr8guy
    nygr8guy Posts: 77 Member
    I want to cut out sugars and carbs so I can keep insulin low. I have less cravings without sugar. On the other hand, all the years that fats were said to be bad still has an influence on me. How can I eat fats and not affect heart health? It's just so confusing. Cutting calories will allow weight loss, but are the foods we eat optimal for longevity?
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Are you diabetic?
  • nygr8guy
    nygr8guy Posts: 77 Member
    Are you diabetic?

  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    Whatever I can and want to fit in my 2400 calorie limit...... and Im still losing weight
  • whatalazyidiot
    whatalazyidiot Posts: 343 Member
    nygr8guy wrote: »
    I found a Keto calcultor which says I should do 20g carbs, 80 grams protein 100 grams fat =1300 calories per day. I am 5'6" Male, little exercise. I hate the word sedentary.
    Does this sound right?

    The calories seem low for you. I am the same height and probably 70-80 lbs heavier than you, and that's the amount of calories I get if I choose to lose 2lbs a week. Seems as a male who has less to lose, your calories should be higher.

    But if you really, really want to do Keto, I would look at the groups. I think there is a big Keto one with other people doing the same thing.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    nygr8guy wrote: »
    I want to cut out sugars and carbs so I can keep insulin low. I have less cravings without sugar. On the other hand, all the years that fats were said to be bad still has an influence on me. How can I eat fats and not affect heart health? It's just so confusing. Cutting calories will allow weight loss, but are the foods we eat optimal for longevity?

    I don't think longetivity comes from one source.

    Aim to eat a reasonably balanced diet - use any reputable source for general guidelines if you have no idea - keep your weight to healthy level, don't smoke, use sun protection,don't drink to excess, have checkups and preventative tests ( Pap smears, FOBT etc) as recomended.

    Those are things you can control. Things like genetics or planes crashing you cannot.

    Very little longetivity benifit to any specific diet unless you have medical reason.

  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    No diet just calories in vs calories out, lower carbs. Still eat what I want within reason. And walk walk walk
  • laurenq1991
    laurenq1991 Posts: 384 Member
    edited December 2018
    For weight loss: eat whatever you want as long as it fits your daily calorie limit.

    For overall health: the diet recommended by most nutritionists and researchers for best overall health and disease prevention is a diet with a balance of proteins, carbs, and fat (you can look up recommended percentages online); rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts; with low to moderate amounts of animal products; and limiting refined grains, processed sugar, food additives, and so on.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    nygr8guy wrote: »
    I want to cut out sugars and carbs so I can keep insulin low. I have less cravings without sugar. On the other hand, all the years that fats were said to be bad still has an influence on me. How can I eat fats and not affect heart health? It's just so confusing. Cutting calories will allow weight loss, but are the foods we eat optimal for longevity?

    Well, if you look at the Blue Zone populations (i.e. the longest living groups), you'll notice that carbs play a large role in their diet. Low added sugar, but plenty of naturally-occurring ones in fruits and vegetables.

    This is where I would start too, since you seem certain you need to change your diet.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Low fat diets leave me hungry. Adding about a teaspoon of fats to each meal extends both pleasure and satiety, not to mention fat soluble vitamins. Think salad dressing on the salad. Butter on the bread. Cheese with the apple. The. Whole. Egg.

    If you want to improve your diet for overall health, I suggest using the choose my plate to balance your meal across the food groups.


    Both Becel and olive oil are touted to be heart healthy.

    But going for regular cardio exercise will do more for your heart health than any one food.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    You don’t necessarily need to go full keto in order to benefit from reduced cravings from
    cutting back on added sugars. Limiting refined sugars not only reduces my cravings for ultra sweetened foods but also for the foods I associate with them - overly salty and greasy foods which balance the taste. If you have difficulty moderating these foods, cutting back on them may help you. If this way of eating works for you, don’t let others tell you how to eat.