Hey everybody!!!!

So just question anything I should be doing different.. I feel like I’m plateauing I’m working out and doing lots of cardio and as wel weights and squats etc and eat healthy but my weight isn’t going down?!! Anything I should be doing differently?? Thanks!!


  • BecomingMoreAwesome
    Hi, your thread may have gotten lost in the post-holiday shuffle. There are plenty of helpful experienced posters on here who can help give you tips, but they’ll need more information to go on.

    What are your stats? (Height and weight)
    Are you using mfp to set your calorie goal? What is it? How are you measuring/weighing the amount of food you’re eating? A food scale is a great investment, and it gets easy to use quickly. I was really surprised the first time I measured just what half a tablespoon of butter is!

    Why do you feel like you’re plateauing? Have you stopped losing weight, or just slowed down? How long have you felt like you’re plateauing? It’s completely normal to lose a lot of water weight the first few weeks, and then stop losing or even gain a bit, especially if you’ve started a new exercise program. If you’re female, you’re also likely to gain water weight at some point in your cycle. For many it’s right before their periods. For me it’s at ovulation.

    Sorry for the wall o’text. :) If your eyes aren’t already glazing over, the stickied posts at the top of the forum are a great resource for getting started and troubleshooting.
  • PumpJockeyy
    PumpJockeyy Posts: 98 Member
    Are you noticing your body changing in the mirror? The scale might not be showing progress but your body composition could be slowing improving
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    How long has it been since you've lost weight and how much were you losing per week before that?

    Are you in a calorie deficit?