Would you rather....



    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    back in time

    WYR do a career that involves working w/ your hands and being alone most of the day
    a career that is in a large office that has you conversing with others non-stop
  • admaarie
    admaarie Posts: 4,297 Member
    I’ll work with my hands if that means being alone all day 🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️

    Wyr make minimum wage at a job you absolutely love
    Make good money at a job you despise every single day
  • lauragreenbaum
    lauragreenbaum Posts: 1,017 Member
    Minimum wage
    WYR never have sugar again or never have salt?
    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    I'll say sugar...it would hopefully force me to not crave it anymore ?

    WYR have tv or Netflix only
  • bjdw_1977
    bjdw_1977 Posts: 442 Member

    Pose nude in front of a drawing class of twenty for an hour or give a 10 minute speech (clothed) in front of an audience of twenty thousand.
  • Viddo82
    Viddo82 Posts: 116 Member
    bjdw_1977 wrote: »

    Pose nude in front of a drawing class of twenty for an hour or give a 10 minute speech (clothed) in front of an audience of twenty thousand.

    The 10 min speech. Easily!
  • lauragreenbaum
    lauragreenbaum Posts: 1,017 Member
    Viddo82 wrote: »
    bjdw_1977 wrote: »

    Pose nude in front of a drawing class of twenty for an hour or give a 10 minute speech (clothed) in front of an audience of twenty thousand.

    The 10 min speech. Easily!

    Viddo82- after you answer, you're supposed to ask one
  • admaarie
    admaarie Posts: 4,297 Member
    edited March 2019
    I’d give a 10 min speech as well

    WYR continuously get cold sores after every time you kissed someone
    Or constantly sneeze every time you’re near someone who’s wearing black
  • bjdw_1977
    bjdw_1977 Posts: 442 Member
    I'll pass on the face herpes and take the sneezing affliction, avoiding funerals at all costs.

    Would you rather take a ten year vow silence or one of celibacy?
    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    kind of hard to pick the vow of silence...wouldn't most likely get too much action this way anyways...so I guess the celibacy :|

    Go and participate in an all nude dining restaurant with your neighbors
    Go and participate in an all nude dining restaurant with people from your work
  • lauragreenbaum
    lauragreenbaum Posts: 1,017 Member
    OMG neither! But if I had to choose I'd take my neighbors since I don't know them as well
    WYR prepare an entire Thanksgiving dinner for 10 people, or have to do all of the cleanup?
    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    If I have lots of time (days lol)...the cooking

    WYR be in a cooking/timed contest
    run a marathon
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,302 MFP Moderator
    I think a cooking/timed contest.

    WYR give up all technology but be in a close knit community or have all the tech but never talk to anyone ever again?
  • admaarie
    admaarie Posts: 4,297 Member
    Close knit community

    Wyr never be able to have sex again
    Vomit uncontrollably every time you’d have sex
    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    I guess the 'no sex again'...I mean once you start vomiting the sex would pretty much be over anyways lol!

    WYR: fresh baked out of the oven bread
    or fresh baked out off the oven cookies?
  • admaarie
    admaarie Posts: 4,297 Member
    I’ll take the cookies

    Wyr be a contestant on big brother or survivor
    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    I wouldn't last on either...don't 'get' Big Brother (maybe if I'd watch it I'd get it...just not my thing at all though) so I guess survivor (not that I watch that either though) lol

    WYR give a speech in front of several hundreds
    have to stay in your bed for one month
  • lauragreenbaum
    lauragreenbaum Posts: 1,017 Member
    Give a speech, but I have to do that a lot anyway :-)
    WYR never have another apple or banana?
  • admaarie
    admaarie Posts: 4,297 Member
    Apple. I love my bananas

    Wyr eat the same breakfast everyday for a year
    Not be able to smell or taste food for 2 weeks
    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    same breakfast...basically do that anyways

    Breakfast for dinner
    Left over Chinese food or pizza for breakfast
  • JustAMurmur
    JustAMurmur Posts: 7,867 Member
    Brekkie for din-din

    Wyr live in the coldest part of the world or the warmest?
  • Mm2Hh7
    Mm2Hh7 Posts: 1,673 Member
    WYR go a month without alcohol or a month without your fave food?
    IMNOTHERE2HOOKUP2019 Posts: 935 Member
    W/0 my favorite food (less chance of weight gain that way).

    Would you rather have the super power of becoming invisible when ever you want to..or be able to fly?
  • Gordon_L
    Gordon_L Posts: 4,475 Member
    I'll go the invisible route...

    Would you rather have a wonderful relationship with someone who is married or would you rather have an undesirable relationship with someone who is single?
  • Gordon_L
    Gordon_L Posts: 4,475 Member
    my_r53 wrote: »
    W/0 my favorite food (less chance of weight gain that way).

    Would you rather have the super power of becoming invisible when ever you want to..or be able to fly?

    I can already fly in my dreams so that's not such a big deal...
    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    Gordon_L wrote: »
    I'll go the invisible route...

    Would you rather have a wonderful relationship with someone who is married or would you rather have an undesirable relationship with someone who is single?

    Neither would I ever be able to live with

    WYR be 300 lbs over weight but be totally happy
    perfect weight/body but be unhappy most of the time
  • Mm2Hh7
    Mm2Hh7 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Wow. That’s a good one. Well to be 300 lbs overweight would be very unhealthy...but I’d chose to be happy I think.

    WYR only have one friend but you’re super close or a lot of friends, none of which you are close to?
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,531 Member
    No contest - 1 close friend.

    Would you rather have amazing sex once, but be celibate for 2 years after, or have regular average to boring sex for 2 years?
  • admaarie
    admaarie Posts: 4,297 Member
    I’ll choose amazing sex and then be celibate

    Wyr be able to detect any lie you hear
    Get away with any lie you tell
  • Gordon_L
    Gordon_L Posts: 4,475 Member
    Be able to detect any lie I hear (I think I sort of do that anyway)

    WYR fall in love with someone you can't have? or have someone you can't seem to fall in love with?