75 pounds to go... Support?

So I have been attempting to lose weight off and on for the past year and a half. I guess before I just gave up since I was on medicine with a side effect of weight gain and it happened (60 pounds later) I finally found a med combo that didn't cause weight gain and I actually lost a few... With that is my motivation.

So does anyone else have a similar experience? (medicine for bipolar disorder) or anyone wanting support? I guess with winter going on accountability is my biggest thing. (Still not used to how Colorado winters suck).


  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    I personally have not dealt with this, but a lot of people on here have. Good luck, you can do this!
  • cariwaldick
    cariwaldick Posts: 189 Member
    So far I've lost 67 lbs using calorie deficit. I don't have the medication issue you do, but I've got a real low calorie allowance, and it's always tempting to just give up and give in. I've got another 60 to lose, and this time I'm going to make it. I haven't had to do much exercise since I started--winter gives me too good an excuse to stay put. I used a strict calorie calculator, and chose sedentary for my activity level. I measure, weigh, or calculate everything I eat, and keep the calories under the limit--which for me is between 800 and 1000 a day. I journal my food here to keep me conscious--even when I slip up.

    You're far too young and cute to be the fat chick. Take care of this now, while you still have your health. Build good habits you can keep for the rest of your life. Learn to love those veggies, and drink lots of water. You should be living your life--not eating it. You can do this, just don't give up!
  • Hiba2
    Hiba2 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there ,
    I totally related with ur post with someone who’s been on/off meds For the past 10 yrs for my major depressive dosorder (first time I’ve actually said that)
    On medication I gained 11 pounds in two weeks so I start and stop meds. After years of therapy and trial an error
    My biggest none medical help is excersising daily which I now struggling with ....I have at 80 pounds to lose
    I’m happy to support you as best as I can
  • time2change1111
    time2change1111 Posts: 114 Member
    Totally relate to your post.

    I put on a heap of weight due to Bipolar meds.

    Finally found a med combo that isn’t so weight gaining.

    I’m hoping to get my weight under control this year.
  • Hiba2
    Hiba2 Posts: 11 Member
    Little things that might make a change

    Stopping eating past 7:00-7:30pm
    0 carbs at night .just veggies and protein
    Avoiding refined sugars ....I have a sugar problem ...all my excess caloriess fome from there ...I use to use it to feel good
    I find daily affirmations helps to