Caffeine addicts

To those who are/were caffeine addicts, how do you manage?
I was a 3-4 16oz energy drinks kinda gal. I've at least cut down to at most 3 cokes a day (or on bad days an energy drink and a coke). But I can't seem to nix it all together and I know the amount of calories in them is not the greatest when counting calories. I cant do diet or sugar free drinks (sensitive to aspartame and sucralose (splenda). Can't stand the taste of coffee ( a little coffee with my creamer and sugar) and if I do tea I end up doing sweet tea.

So any other caffeine options?

Yes I know top option is quitting which I am slowly working on. Trying to keep from having withdrawals.


  • lalalacroix
    lalalacroix Posts: 834 Member
    Seems like you have a few options. You could drink unsweetened or lightly sweetened tea, wean yourself off of so many sweet beverages, make room in your daily calories for your sweet beverages, or just take a caffeine pill.

    Personally I enjoy either a very low cal energy drink or a couple cups of black tea with milk and 1-2 tsp of sugar.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I cut out all caffeinated beverages and bought a bottle of caffeine pills. I started by taking 4 (the equivalent of the amount of caffeine I was drinking). Each week, I cut down by 1/2 pill until I was taking the equivalent of 1 cup of coffee per day. I now have my morning coffee but have no caffeine any other time of the day.