Lacking motivation!

Hi, I'm Vikkie :). After doing really well in the first half of this year and losing nearly 25lbs I have found myself going off track a bit (especially after coming back from holiday!). I would like to lose about 10 more lbs but I just don't have the motivation anymore. I was wondering if anyone has any advice or tips on how to get back on track?


  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Why do you want to lose weight? The answer to that is your motivation.

    Unfortunately, feeling motivated doesn't get the job done. What gets the job done is making a decision to commit to losing the weight, whether you feel motivated or not. Just like people make the commitment to go to work (even if they don't feel like it) or cook dinner for their children, or put in the effort to get a degree - nobody feels totally motivated all the time, but they make the decision that something is important enough to just do it anyway. The easiest way (imo) of doing that is to create habits so that you hardly even notice that you're putting in the effort. Make daily (or 3x weekly, or whatever) exercise a habit. Make logging onto MFP a habit. It's not fun, but you know what you need to do to, you just need to make it an ingrained habit.

    Setting goals also helps. On your profile, it says that you want to run a marathon. Ok, so how are you going to get from here to there? Put together a training plan. Whether it's for a marathon, or whether you choose to tackle a smaller goal first - plan how you're going to go about it and put the steps into place to achieve it. Instead of looking solely at the number on the scale as your goal - see what you can achieve in terms of fitness. See what new skills you can acquire.

    And honestly, where weight loss is concerned, pills and products are very, very rarely "the answer",