How often do you excersize per week?



  • imxnianne
    imxnianne Posts: 216 Member
    I’m in complete awe right now on how often you guys work out. Do you guys take muscle recovery drinks or protein shakes after workout? My body seems to get sore after 2 days, 3 days max if I work out.

    I do overall. I do an elliptical to raise my heart rate for about a mile and then I start doing sit ups and some machines and weights. My job requires walking about 8k steps a night for 5x a week. I work in a casino so my hands are always moving around and body. Do you guys think it’s because of that, that it’s making me tired as well after work plus doing the usual house chores after work? Or not enough sleep, since I sleep about 5-7 hours a day.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,741 Member
    imxnianne wrote: »
    I’m in complete awe right now on how often you guys work out. Do you guys take muscle recovery drinks or protein shakes after workout? My body seems to get sore after 2 days, 3 days max if I work out.

    I do overall. I do an elliptical to raise my heart rate for about a mile and then I start doing sit ups and some machines and weights. My job requires walking about 8k steps a night for 5x a week. I work in a casino so my hands are always moving around and body. Do you guys think it’s because of that, that it’s making me tired as well after work plus doing the usual house chores after work? Or not enough sleep, since I sleep about 5-7 hours a day.

    Keep in mind that there's selection bias at work: People who are proud of their workouts probably are more likely to post on a thread like this.

    Personally, I've only focused on my all-day balanced nutrition, since my more intense workouts each are typically only an hour or thereabouts at most. (I might take a longer easy bike ride, a long row, or canoe/kayak all day, or something like that sometimes. If it's going to be long enough, I might take a snack or lunch for midway, and always have water with me (stainless steel bottle with a carry strap and covered drinking spout).)

    About the only time I've intentionally eaten at some timing around exercise (beyond "don't eat a heavy meal right before a race or intense workout"!) is when I was taking a kettlebell class immediately after a spin class: I found my energy level dragged a bit in kettlebell until I started eating just a bit of something, often one of those apples-only applesauce packets. Maybe it was psychological!

    If you're just starting on integrating an exercise routine on top of a busy life, start with only a few days a week (max), a rest day in between workouts, moderate intensity, manageable amount of time. As you get fitter, you can gradually increase frequency, intensity, and duration as desired. Exercise is supposed to be fun, and leave you energized for the rest of your day (after maybe a brief "whew" few minutes right after the workout). It's not supposed to be exhausting, draining, or miserable.

    Protein shakes are fine if you can't get enough protein otherwise. Pre-/post-workouts are fine if you find it helps your energy level. Other than such noticeable things, nutrient timing is only important for elite athletes trying to squeeze out that 0.05% better performance. For the rest of it, it will give us a better return on investment to put our attention on good overall nutrition, and sensible management of workouts.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    edited December 2018
    7days a weeks at various intensities.
    On a normal non holiday week

    Monday : 30min PT, 3mile recovery run, Shoulders and arms, 30min tabata, 45min barbell
    Tuesday : 30min PT, 2-3mile run (more if I feel like it), stretch and roll, 45min Zumba, 45min Insanity, 45min Boxercise
    Wednesday : 30min PT (sprints), 3-6mile run, 45min Zumba
    Thursday : 30min PT, chest/back, 30min hill running, 45min circuits
    Friday : 30min PT, 2-3mile run, 30min Tabata, 45min legs bums and all afternoon/evening
    Saturday : 2-4mile run, 60min for afternoon/evening no activity at all
    Sunday : long run 13-22miles depending where I am in training all afternoon/evening

    According to my Garmin I average 3.5hrs activity a day.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,139 Member
    edited December 2018
    imxnianne wrote: »
    So, I’ve been going to gym a few times a week for a couple months. I was curious how often do you guys excersize per week?

    I exercise every day.

    Unless I'm ill or very tired for some reason.

    However the intensity and duration varies.

  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    nk9o wrote: »
    7 days a week on the treadmill. Exception is if I do car repair, cut grass, or other physical activity. Have not felt good for the past few days. so also missed on those days.

    This is exactly my plan too. Somehow yesterday didn't work out. No physical activity, and no deliberate exercise either. I simply slept all day.
  • yukfoo
    yukfoo Posts: 871 Member
    edited December 2018
    I run everyday. Hit the gym 4-5 times a week. One way I can tell if I'm over-trained is if I start putting off my workouts to later and later in the day or start looking for excuses to get out of it. As soon as I recognize the signs I cut back (not stop, just decrease intensity or duration) until my enthusiasm gears up again. Good luck !
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I do cardio daily, either at least 2 hours of walking (if I get in 90 minutes, it's "good enough") or 80 minutes on the glider.

    Strength training 5 days a week. Lower body takes me about a half hour, upper and core 60. One week I do lower body 3 days, upper 2 (alternating days), the next upper 3 and lower 2.
  • kirstyfoy
    kirstyfoy Posts: 139 Member
    Typically 5 days a week. I do couch to 5k 3 times a week and lift weights twice a week. But over Christmas I've done more running than weights just due to lack of time for both.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I start every day with a 5 mile power walk. I do more leisurely walking throughout the day to keep my joints limber (arthritis problems). I also lift 2-3 days a week and have just started doing pilates.
  • tess5036
    tess5036 Posts: 942 Member
    6-7 days, but I'll have a light or rest day in there somewhere
  • corriepelc
    corriepelc Posts: 2,088 Member
    I workout 6 days a week. Monday through Friday I strength train for 30-45 minutes every morning before work. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays I run 3-4 miles after work, and Wednesdays I go to zumba after work.

    Saturdays are my long run days. I'll run anywhere between 5-12 miles Saturday mornings depending on where I am in race training.
  • Squish815
    Squish815 Posts: 150 Member
    If i'm settled in my routine - 4 times a week. Although aiming to change that to 6 in 2019 in order to improve on my running/start swimming.
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,477 Member
    5 to 7 days per week, just depending on my schedule and recovery etc.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Some may consider my job exercise (dance teacher) so if you consider that exercise then I exercise 7 days a week.
    But times I actually go to the gym is 4x a week
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Usually 7 days a week. It's too easy to do so since my stuff is in my living room.
    Fact is, when I plan to have a rest day, my stuff talks about me when my back is turned.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I walk 2-3 miles every day. (I have a big dog.) I usually run 5 days a week. I either rest on the two days off, or do yoga, a dvd, or stationary bike. I usually let my energy level decide whether or not to rest, though sometimes it's a matter of how busy I am.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    I try for 6 days per week and a full rest day. I run 3x/week, about 15-18 miles total, when I’m not training for anything. When I am training, I run 4x/week, 20-30 miles total. On non-running weekdays, I do a 30 minute strength workout, walk about 2.5 miles, and do yoga. We usually hike 3-5 miles on one weekend day, if I’m not training. If I’m training, then I do my long run that day instead. I can’t maintain that level of activity without the full rest day.
  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
    Depends - I have been doing 4- 5 days per week. I switch it up between cardio classes and weights . 😉
  • Lolinloggen
    Lolinloggen Posts: 466 Member
    imxnianne wrote: »
    I’m in complete awe right now on how often you guys work out. Do you guys take muscle recovery drinks or protein shakes after workout? My body seems to get sore after 2 days, 3 days max if I work out.

    I do overall. I do an elliptical to raise my heart rate for about a mile and then I start doing sit ups and some machines and weights. My job requires walking about 8k steps a night for 5x a week. I work in a casino so my hands are always moving around and body. Do you guys think it’s because of that, that it’s making me tired as well after work plus doing the usual house chores after work? Or not enough sleep, since I sleep about 5-7 hours a day.

    I agree with @AnnPT77 on when people post on a thread like this. Those that are around of it will post more.
    Plus don't think for a minute I started off with the schedule that I have now!
    When I started my journey over 5 years ago my exercise schedule was nothing nothing like it is now.
    It consisted of walking to work 2 times a week At that stage that meant a 9km walk and 3 times a week cycling the same distance to work. Plus once a week a yoga class and a 15 min yoga workout on mornings.

    I have been tracking the time I spend on exercise for 5 years and it has gone up from 4,5 hours a week light to moderate exercise to 10-12 hours moderate and high intensity exercise (about 50/50). It has taken time to get to the point where people will tell me I am athletically built (I am not just work hard at it) and can't remember the obese and inactive person I was 8 years ago.