My goals for 2019

Hey everyone
Well I am back to my fitness pal. .
Hope fully I will have the willpower to keep my healthy lifestyles for. 2019
I am in the worst shape of my life and not healthy at at right now. Had a pulmonary embolism in August that put me in the hospital all for a week. Hadn't been able to really workout since. On meds to regulate my hiegt is 5 foot 6inched and I weigh 187.5 pounds with 27% bodyfat and 30.3 BMI!i. f keep going at this rate I wont be around to see 2022. MYCHOLESTORALKEVEL
Is 289. . I am am now on cholestreal meds. ET.I am going to give my self one year goal to loose 42 pounds, get my cholsteral to 180, and get the bodyfat to 14%
Any sugesstons or wordsof encouragement wpuld be great.
Thanks for reading.