Is my walk enough.

I am a diabetic, have had 2 heart attacks and 2x back surgeries. My exercise is walking the dog 45 minutes a day. I generally eat rationally, though I do like to snack. I have thought about joining a gym, but is my 45 min. daily dog walk sufficient for good health. I am 70 years old.


  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    As long as you are a healthy weight and your doctor approves. I’m 67 with no existing health issues and my main exercise is my daily walks (usually about 2 miles) with my dog too. I do have 5# and 10# weights I use a couple of times per week too.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    "Enough" is really an individual thing. Walking is probably enough cardio, but I'd say for overall fitness you would want to spend some time on strength training/flexibility. Whether that is feasible for you considering your medical concerns, I have no idea. Perhaps one of your doctors can recommend a professional you can discuss your fitness with?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    "Enough" is really an individual thing. Walking is probably enough cardio, but I'd say for overall fitness you would want to spend some time on strength training/flexibility. Whether that is feasible for you considering your medical concerns, I have no idea. Perhaps one of your doctors can recommend a professional you can discuss your fitness with?

    Agreeing with walking probably enough cardio but there is still a need for strength training.

    Movements like squats will strengthen the muscles you need to keep getting on and off the toilet unassisted later in life. The inability to do this is what often puts people into nursing homes.

    My mom started strength training in her late 70s and her osteoporosis doctor wishes she had started much sooner.

    Your doctor should be able to give you a referral.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,693 Member
    It depends on what kind of walking you do with your dog. If you are walking fairly briskly, then you're fine. If it is a slow leisurely saunter from bush to bush, you aren't really getting much of a cardio workout. I'd add a few days of more strenuous exercise. FWIW, my husband is also diabetic and we walk every day with our dog. It is a mixture of fast and slow walking, so he thinks he is getting enough exercise. His doctor recommended that he do more, since 2 mph is not much of an aerobic workout.