Day 1 completed! Keep it going on day 2!

I know a lot of us are probably starting the new year off right. After day 1 here are my realizations.

We live in a world of excess. You can supersize your food, dring, car, house, etc... We (not all of us but alot of us) are looking for how to get the next best thing. While this isn't bad, it not good either, and in fact I think it can be terribly unhealthy.

When I look at myself I see someone who is in search of more. However, this behavior is more than just stuff. In fact that same behavior tranlates into food. Yesterday was my first day of dieting, and at the end of the day I wanted a bowl of cereal. However, having a little bit of self control I skipped the bowl of cereal. *high fives for everyone*

What I came to realize is that I wasn't that hungry anyways. So I decided to think about all the choices that I didn't make yesterday to see what I would have eaten normally.

I would have had 2 more slices of pizza - 510 calories
I would have had about 2 sodas - 300 calories
I would have had that bowl of cereal (with milk) - 310 calories

That is 1,120 calories that I didn't need! And I don't even miss them! I didn't wake up this morning distraught about how I skipped my late night bowl of cherrios, or how I didn't have the soda. I just moved on. No drama, no wishing, no facebook post about how hard this is. It was difficult in the moment but then, guess what, I moved on and the decision had no negative effect on me what so ever.

What is your success from yesterday?
