Reboot time 2019

jdypdy Posts: 5 Member
Hi to anyone who is reading this. Just thinking and sorting out the things I’m looking forward to in 2019. Not all of it is going to be easy. I’ve been tracking my weight. Losses and gains. I have hope (and motivation) and I’m trying to get the two to mesh lol. Knee replacement is in my near future-six weeks- and I’m a little less than half way to where I want to be. The silver lining is, I am trying and I have lost a portion of what I wanted to before this happens. I’m less happy with the fact that I could be much lighter and for whatever reason I chose to yo-yo again. Maybe I needed to focus more on the reason i was trying to eat healthier in order to keep my appetite in check. I didn’t so it’s all on me. So. 2019. Here I come (S). I’m going to keep travelling this journey and working on becoming a healthier, hopefully slimmer and more mobile person. I have a lot of things left I want to do in this life. Cheers. Happy 2019!!!