Good Stretches?

I recently started working out after a long recovery from a serious accident. Because of that I'm pretty stiff all over. After my workout I'm sore to the point the next day I can barely move. I know that it's best to "walk off" the soreness and not sit for an extended period of time because it makes it worse. I do that, but after the initial "omg I'm gonna die" soreness wares off, my legs still feel like I couldn't go up stairs if I needed. What are some good stretches I can do after my workout to try and be limber again?


  • amiedwards906
    amiedwards906 Posts: 16 Member
    Have you tried Yoga? I love it, it is very relaxing and really helps with flexibility as well as easing soreness in muscles. I know you posted this a while ago but, I didn't know if you had found any since then.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    The soreness should go as your body gets used to exercise. I like the pain because it tells me I did something that I needed to do. Stretching doesn't really do much for muscle soreness IMHO. Just keep doing what you're doing and as your muscles get strong it won't be a problem anymore.