Surgical menopause and miserable.

I have been here a few times. Every time, I quit. Always some excuse. Now I have more struggles. I am 10 weeks post OP and have been slammed into the speeding surgical menopause bus. I am craving the worst foods ever, physically and emotionally out of whack, and desperately seeking a way to get a handle on my weight loss. I will be 45 in a little over a week and I am my own worst enemy. No one to blame but myself. I am taking charge of the menopause situation and am going to see a specialist in a couple weeks. Hopefully, pairing that with MFP will bring some zen to my life!


  • Pool_Boy
    Pool_Boy Posts: 405 Member
    You can do this!!!!!!!!!!
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    michgal74 wrote: »
    I have been here a few times. Every time, I quit. Always some excuse. Now I have more struggles. I am 10 weeks post OP and have been slammed into the speeding surgical menopause bus. I am craving the worst foods ever, physically and emotionally out of whack, and desperately seeking a way to get a handle on my weight loss. I will be 45 in a little over a week and I am my own worst enemy. No one to blame but myself. I am taking charge of the menopause situation and am going to see a specialist in a couple weeks. Hopefully, pairing that with MFP will bring some zen to my life!

    I'm so sorry you're struggling! If you are under physical stress right now, perhaps it would be better to just get back into the habit of logging while eating your maintenance calories for a couple of weeks. Give yourself a little wiggle room to eat more of the foods you enjoy and just get to a calmer place. Then slowly change your goal (0.5lbs per week, then 1 lb per week) as you're ready. Hang in there :smile: