Build Healthy Habits 2019

froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
I have a bunch of things i want to start doing (better) but doing them all for January 1st would last 24h at most...

So here's my plan:
Change 1 thing a week, and make it a habit, before moving on to the next one.

So far I've come up with the following things i will tackle:
1. Drink more water
2. Drink less coffee
3. Drink less alcohol
4. start walking more
5. get back into running
6. get back into lifting
7. try yoga
8. log calories (sheesh, that doesn't appear too high on my list there ;) )
9. include more vegetarian meals each week.
10. ... (i'm sure there is more but i can't think of it right now)

For the first week, i am going to focus on having one glass of water (or tea) between each cup of coffee.
this should tackle both my water intake and the amount of coffee i drink.

feel free to join in with your own ideas, let everyone know how it goes for you and encourage each other :)