Friends of Chronic pain suffers and trying lose weight

I live in chronic pain cant exercise due to pain. Living with lower back injury that flip my life up side down. I been up and down on scale my heaviest 314 am dow currently to 290 lbs. Losing weight not going to help my back am not one of those cases. But I just wanted to feel lighter in my step. I mostly laid down for the only way for me to be at my most comfortable. So I never wanted to gain so much weight I could never get out the bed. So I started losing weight in October last year 2019..its a slow process. Especially trying cook and in pain all the time, the struggle..I have scoliosis a nice 46 degree curvature. That almost 50% folks. Specifics: idiopathic scoliosis, thoracolumbar region, radiculopathy, spinal stenosis. Yeah that's saying lower back pain thats turned into severe arthritis..looking friends for support for like minded ppl on weight loss or pain suffers or both


  • GuyanaGold21
    GuyanaGold21 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi dollface_mell21,

    Sorry to hear that you are in so much pain. Please feel free to add me as a friend.

    Also posted on "Seeking support friends with chronic illnesses" started by "jockety"...
    I can relate to your chronic health issues and their impact on exercise. I have been battling episodic migraines for 50+ years, and in 2007 was diagnosed with chronic migraine disease (15+ migraines per month). I ended up gaining about 50 pounds during that time due to inactivity. I had experimental surgery on my head in 2010, and now survive on meds, ice packs, and by avoiding known triggers when possible. Exercise and getting overheated are major triggers, as are gluten and weather changes. Stress also contributes. I also have lower back pain due to two major motor vehicle accidents (not at fault – LOL!!). I am so out of shape, every body part just seems to hurt and not heal. So once again, I am trying to lose weight so I can hopefully feel better. I generally do OK for a few weeks, then get hit with a bad migraine and struggle to get back to life. Over and over and over…