went over macronutrients

I didn't go over my calories but I went over my carbs by 16, my sodium by 217, protein by 6 and sugar by 57. I usually don't go over my protein or carbs but I almost always go over my sugar and often go over sodium. Does this happen to you? Do you find the goals that mfp sets are too low? Is this terrible and effect my weight loss?


  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    No it's fine. Adjust the macros to what is optimal for you- generally a good place for most people is 40C/30P/30F.

    I would ignore the sugar macro unless you're a diabetic, especially if a lot of it comes from natural sources like fruit and milk.
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    I didn't go over my calories but I went over my carbs by 16, my sodium by 217, protein by 6 and sugar by 57. I usually don't go over my protein or carbs but I almost always go over my sugar and often go over sodium. Does this happen to you? Do you find the goals that mfp sets are too low? Is this terrible and effect my weight loss?

    I am always under in sodium.. I think it is because of the lack of processed food I eat. I make all my meals at home.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    Actually, your diary looks pretty good for today. I'm impressed you ate that much food in one day and still kept it at 1600 calories. You go, girl!

    I go over sugar quite frequently because I eat a lot of fruit. No biggie. Your sodium number is high, but if you don't have blood pressure issues, I wouldn't worry about it. I saw a few ways you can bring it down with little effort. For instance, the canned green beans, if you bought low sodium, then sprinkled some salt on it before you ate it, you'd come way under what they put in there to can it. The cajun seasoned deli meat will be higher in sodium than something smoked. Cheese is a sneaky one when it comes to sodium content. Everything else is pretty typical. When shopping, "fat free" is usually much higher in sugar than your normal stuff. And "sugar free" is going to have a little more fat. You just have to check what's best for your macro.

    All in all, it's a great looking diary. change the sugar column and maybe the sodium column to something more important to worry about, like calcium, iron or the temperature outside. (j/k)