New Here

flems629 Posts: 80 Member
My name is Jennifer. I am joining here because I have struggled my entire life with weight and I would like to take control of it. I just turned 30 and had my third and final baby 12 weeks ago. I am pumping breast milk. I want to enter my 30s feeling better about myself and focusing on being a healthy, hot mamma :)


  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Hi Jennifer! Welcome to a great site
  • pavanneh
    pavanneh Posts: 65 Member
    Congratulations!! This is a great place to get support and ideas for losing weight. Good luck. I know you can do it.
  • Cathy_5011
    Cathy_5011 Posts: 78
    HI Jennifer welcome to the site! Good luck in your weightloss. I just recently started up again also. I would love to be here as a support goup.