no weight loss success on my own

My name is Linda, just wanted to introduce myself . I decided to join this group because I cannot lose any weight. Hopefully this will help me. Hello to everyone.
bye Linda


  • Bigmac4209
    Hi Linda, in the same boat! Hopefully this can be the start of it for you! :-)
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    Welcome Linda. This is definitely the place to make your goals reality. so many supportive people and I happen to be one of them. feel free to add me and take a look at the success forum, that should keep you motivated. make sure you are truthful in what you log, and if you want it bad enough, it's easy enough if you stay within your calories! best of luck.
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    This group has helped me a lot.

    Pick your suitable calories and log every bite and every sip and keep your diary open. It keeps you accountable when you know people can look at it.

    Drink enough water daily.

    Start some modest exercise daily. 20-30 minutes walking.

    Then you'll be on your way.
  • wlinda224
    wlinda224 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks everyone. I am tracking everything this week and hope to get a clearer view of what is going in my mouth lol, I have already seen that I eat way to many carbs. but I really already knew that . I hope to improve on my overall diet and then I should see some results. have a great day. :laugh: